How To: Use BBCode to Communicate in Internet Forums

More recently I've noticed during discussions on this forum that posters are having trouble organizing their responses in a way that is discernable. Being a techie first and a RE investor second, I felt that I would lend some advice on how to use "BBCode" in your replies that will assist you in expressing yourself in the medium.

BBCode is a special implementation of HTML simplified for use in E-mail and Forums. Basically it's a programming language integrated into the forums but easy to use. I'll focus on how to do simple word modifications (bold, underline, ect.) then cover Quotations and finally posting URLs (when you can)

BBCode works like a switch. You turn it on to start its effect then turn it off to stop its effect.

  • Bold. In order to made a word or sentence bold you will use the [b][/b] switches. So the word [b]BOLD[/b] will look like BOLD.

  • Italics. In order to made a word or sentence italicized you will use the [i][/i] switches. So the word [i]italics[/i] will look like italics.

  • Underline. In order to made a word or sentence underlined you will use the [u][/u] switches. So the word [b]Underline[/b] will look like Underline.

  • Quotations. In order to quote a section of text, you can use the (you guessed it!) [quote][/quote] tags. So [quote] Four score and seven years ago...[/quote] becomes
    Four score and seven years ago...

  • For those that are interested in a complete guide to BBCode, there is a great reference at that covers everything from simple coloring, to inserting an image that links to a website.

    Hope you find this useful and take the opportunity to employ BBCode. It will make the Forum experience better for everyone.


    • SavvyYoungster23rd September, 2003

      Oh my word! I'm published!


    • Lethe3rd October, 2003

      Congratulations on the being published as well as the article itself. That's one webpage going into the favorites section.

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