How To Sell Houses Fast On Autopilot

In real estate investing, it is necessary to sell your houses fast to be successful. This is especially true in a slow market where selling houses can take months, thereby increasing your holding costs.

Having a means to accelerate this process is therefore important, and whenever possible, employing every tool at your disposal to sell your houses fast is a must.

How can you automate the process of getting buyers for your properties?

To set the record straight, real estate is a face to face game. Buyers will have to come see the house they are buying.

But the process of acquiring those buyers can be automated, and the end result is that you can sell your houses much faster.

I am a big proponent and user of squeeze pages. A squeeze page promises something you need in exchange for your name and email.

In general do not ask for more than name and email; the more information you request, the less the response you will get from your squeeze page.

You end up with a list of people with money looking to buy houses in your local market. These people are likely to buy your next deals without more advertising.

Let us look at some simple examples:

Squeeze Page Example 1:

When wholesaling my properties, I set up a squeeze page that asks for name and email to access a list of highly discounted properties.

Once they provide their name and email, they are instantly redirected to a page with the property listings.

I built my first buyers list this way. I advertised my properties on our local newspapers and provided a website address instead of a phone number. The website address had a squeeze page.

I ended up building a list of about 200 buyers who were very responsive.

They bought a few of my properties in a few months.

Squeeze Page Example 2:

This type of squeeze page must be built into your real estate investor website.

Once you list your properties on your website, the summary page shows a list of properties with the estimated market value, sale price, equity, etc.

The information is just enough to build their interest. To access full property details, they must click on "More Details". A lightbox squeeze form pops up requesting for name and email to access all the details.

This method consistently gives me more buyer than the first squeeze page.


Automation is never complete without autoresponders. An autoresponder sends previously written email messages at pre-timed intervals.

For instant once they sign up, an instant email is sent saying something like "Thank you for joining our buyers list. We will be sending you deals that meet your needs as soon as we get them."

They will continue getting some messages for a few days automatically with helpful information. This helps build rapport and provide more information such as phone number, areas they buy from, types of properties, etc.

The information they provide is important for your marketing and ensures buyers get only the properties they are interested in.

Learn how you can automate your real estate investing business with a real estate investor website fully equipped with all the tools necessary for selling your houses fast, as well as buying houses. The end result is that you close more deals using less time, money and effort.


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