How To Remove Wall Tile


I want to cover ugly brown tile in my bath with tub surround, but I steel need to remove 1 row of tiles.

How can I do that without damaging my wall?


  • getgoing26th November, 2004

    Hi Katit,

    I use a pry bar and a putty knife. Put the putty knife on the wall flush with the tile and use that as if it were the wall to pry or chisel it out. Let us know how you make out.


  • InActive_Account26th November, 2004

    Just remove them and repair the wall. You just need good structure behind the surround, it doesn't have to be pretty.

  • katit26th November, 2004

    Thanks for suggestions.

    I'm looking for easy way out. I don't need (or want) to remove all tile. Just 1 row, so I can cover it with surround. Was thinking about repairing it, too.

    What would be good way to hide this 1/4" step when placing surround on top of tile?

  • dealfinder3rd December, 2004


    Removing tile from the bath wall is not as hard and complicated (or labor intensive) as you may perceive. I just removed tile and put in a shower/tub surround. I had the tile off in less than an hour with no damage to the wall. A previous poster gave you an excellent method to remove this tile. I'm glad I removed all the tile as I found it needed new greenboard before the new enclosure went in. Good Luck.


  • jam2003rd December, 2004

    If you just want to remove one row, use a Dremel to cut the grout between then, the pry them loose from the backboarding.

    Dremel's are AWESOME tools!!!!!! grin

  • getgoing3rd December, 2004


    How did it turn out?


  • katit3rd December, 2004

    Thanks guys!
    Lot's of good suggestions.
    Too busy at work, will get to the tile tomorrow.

    This is my test for myself if I'm ready to get into rehabbing :-D

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