How To Remove Owner After Auction??

A condominum foreclosure for back condo fees is coming up soon. There is also a mortgage on this condo. I called the condominum office to get some info and was told the owner was disabled on the job but the indication was that he is not really very disabled. She indicate that he has been "trouble" and will probably stay in his condo, even after the foreclosure auction, possibly claiming his disability as reason not to leave. There will not be a big profit here with condo fees, mortgage, back taxes unpaid, upgrading needed, etc. Will it be impossible to get this owner to leave if he is on disability? Thanks!! rolleyes


  • myfrogger8th April, 2004

    call the sherrifs department and ask about the specific rules for your area. You'll likely have to file something with the clerk of court referencing the foreclosure case that you won. After the judge grants the eviction (or whatever it is called exactly) you can bring that back to the sherrif's department and they will remove the previous homeowner.

    A call to the sherrif's should be all you need. GOOD LUCK

  • InActive_Account8th April, 2004

    You need to specifically get the regualtions on the proper procedure for ejectment in FL. You must follow this procedure to the letter of the law.

    Whether he leaves quietly (doubtful) or puts up a legal defense will determine how costly this is going to be for you.

    I'm curious why you would want to mess with this when you say that there's not much profit here-and perhaps none at all if this guy fight you in court, lives in your condo-rent free while you make the payments month after month.

  • goodbuddy9th April, 2004

    Well, I'm new at this and the condo is so close to where I live. The foreclosure is for $4000 unpaid fees, not the mortgage. The mortgage is held by a private lender and it seems to be assumable. Of course, I would have to make sure of this IF I decide to give this one a try. But I will probably chicken out. I really don't want to end up in court. Court is for the professional investors and I am sure this one will be purchased at auction. Florida is a hot condo market.
    Thanks Everyone!!

  • tsjhope9th April, 2004

    I have found that money motivates as well. I do a CAsh for keys transaction I.E. U Haul money. This has been real succesful fo me up in MD area.

    Good Luck! grin

  • commercialking11th April, 2004

    The unpaid condo fees are almost certainly a violation of the terms of the first mortgage. You might go the mortgage holder and point this out. If he is going to be evicted over the unpaid fees he is certainly not going to make the payments onthe first. The first mortgage holder may be willing to sell their note at some discount. You could then pay the condo fees, declare a default on your first and foreclose from there.

    In this way there might actually be some profit. But I gotta tell you if you've go no stommach for the courts, this is a deal to pass.

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