How To Market To Real Estate Agents?

I am trying to get real estate people interested in partnering with me by offering a way they can make a commission on each referral that closes with me and that DOES NOT violate RESPA laws.

Any suggestions on how to market this?

Thanks cool grin


  • 64Ford11th September, 2003

    Advertise in their specialty newsletter / magazine.

    Go to their oreientation when they are joining the local REaltor Board.

    Go to classes where they are taking the course to become a realtor.

  • DerrickAli11th September, 2003


    You can Mkt to REAs and offer them apercentage of equity in your deals
    If you use PACTrust(tm) or Equity Holding Land Trust (tm) like I do then you can pay them a Lease commission UPFRONT (say 1%) and guarantee the the RE Commission upon the sale 2 Yr.s down the road and even grant them 25%-50% Interest in the Trust to net a GREATER Take on the deal WITH NO RESPA (HUD) VIOLATIONS nor Threat of Jepordizing the Broker's License.

    Of course the REA would have to disclose that they are an REA or REALTOR...but there isn't anything else to prevent an REA or Broker from investing like Reg. REIs.

    So long as everything is done upfront and with fair-dealing this is still AMERICA and Laiazie Faire opens the gates to Beau coupe Frances to the Wide Eyed Entrepreneur (REA or Naught)

    Please forgive My French---I took German in H.S. & college...


    I hope this Helps!

    Derrick Ali

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