How To Get Started

I acquired the paperwork
I have my postcards and businesscards
Ive read the books
I understand the concept

My plan was to subscribe to a service that notified (me) investors of all the nod's that were filed in the county .I talked with many people in the industry and everyone is looking at the same exact list . I live in the heart of southern California .There's not one paper that i pick up that doesnt have at least 7 or 8 I buy houses adds .Am I going about this the wrong way .Is it better to deliver flyers blindly to your farm area or to work off of a nod list
I believe both will be in order. Has any one had better results with one or the other ?
I dont mind knocking on doors
how do you all do it with all the compitition
Please Help


  • jeff120029th December, 2004

    knocking on doors will always produce the best results. Unless you have Leprosy or something about you that makes people uneasy around you in person.
    A proper marketing plan will utilize every means of lead generation you can think of that will get the people you want to talk to calling you. But as you know, you've got to start somewhere. Knocking on doors is probably best.
    Good luck,

  • powecjhlo9th December, 2004

    I am kinda ugly maybe some one will feel sorry for me
    Thank You for the reply
    Pete :-x

  • mark136913th December, 2004

    I m new to this-what s a nod?

  • jeff1200213th December, 2004

    nod = Notice Of Default

    The lenders must file a notice of default as part of the foreclosure process.

  • ZinOrganization13th December, 2004

    in my area, we use bandit signs to get people to call us before they end up on the list, but is seems like you have some competition and there are probably people already doing this. but you can still do it anyways! second if you have a county clerks office with a database/computer where everything is filed. go and type in NOD or Lis Pends. and search the last couple of days, then go knock there door immedietly. chances are the very recent ones at the recorders office havnt hit the list yet. [ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 12/13/2004 ]

  • powecjhlo13th December, 2004

    thats a great idea I'll have to try that

  • mboysen13th December, 2004

    Just curious, whose book(s) did you read?

  • powecjhlo13th December, 2004

    Peter Conti
    David Finkel
    John Locke

    Why do you recommend an author

  • mboysen14th December, 2004

    I asked because of the way you were looking for deals. Why don't you give John a call since you have his cell phone number.

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