How To Get Squatters Removed From Residence(Florida)

I aquired property with squatters residing on property!!

As a safety issue i contacted local power company to investigate theft of services and dangers of exposed wires and they elected to cut the service off. Squtters have cut the wires from my service panel and hooked them directly to a generator. Any suggestions on how to get them removed from the premises Quickly as i have sold property.


  • bargain762nd November, 2006

    You can pay them to leave.

    You can have them evicted thru the court process.

    You can notify municipal authorities of the unsafe and unsanitary living conditions.

    You can have a process server pin a notice on the door that says "Public Notice. This home is scheduled to be renovated in the very near future. Doors and windows will be removed by Nov. 15, 2006. Any valuables must be removed from this sire prior to that date. Owner"

    I have used all these methods. I like the last one best. They just left without a word.


  • a1reality4th November, 2006

    They have left the property!!!!!!! Thanks to all for the suggestions. I really like the renovation one. Shawn

  • mtnwizard4th November, 2006

    Get a new attorney. This guy is an idiot. Place the property into a land trust and take title in an LLC. The LLC protects your personal assets and the land trust will afford privacy. Good luck.

    Not a lawyer

  • ctsee116th November, 2006

    It is possible, but probably would not hold up under IRS audit.

    The only way it would is if you paid your Self Directed ROTH IRA a reasonable distribution based upon the initial investment.

    Also, there are implications to placing your money into an IRA, what if you need it later? Penalties on early removal of IRA monies can be expensive. Not to mention, if you do not do it right, you are looking at even more penalties and interest.

    for some basic corporation tax savings info

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