How To Get $ Back From Home Warranty Co.?

I did a lease option on a recently acquired property which has a home warranty paid for by the previous seller. The tenant buyer moved in and within days, the bathrooms were flooded because of a corroded sewer pipe (original to the house). This is covered under the home warranty but because the tenant buyer was unable to reach me, she had an emergency plumbing service do the repair for $1500. I reimbursed her as soon as I was contacted, and I will add that $1500 to the purchase price (which is allowed by my contract with her). Meanwhile, I am out $1500 and the home warranty company refuses to reimburse me as a non-contracted plumbing service was used (this is stated in their contract). How can I get $ from the home warranty company for a problem that should be covered (sewer line cracked/leaked) ?


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