How To Get A Broker to Submit a Deal vs. Commission Suicide?

Hi there Guys and Gals! It's Derrick Ali again with more tools tips, Tricks and other Wizardry on Success in using the Equity Holding or PACTrust(tm) to buy property.

Now I have a Disclaimer to make: I am NOT bashing Realtors nor RE Sales Agents--They are a GREAT asset to Investors like us!

But you have to find a GOOD ONE (not very easy to get a hold of them if you are a newbie cuz they are out BUSY CLOSING DEALS).

However, there is another way to find a Good One---that is TRAIN THEM!!!---So roll up your newspaper grab a Whiffle ball Bat and let's whip these puppies into MEAN HUNGRY BLOOD HOUNDS that'll find you deals in an instant!


How to Safely and Legally Pre-Maturely Expire Any Broker-Listing! or How to Avoid Giving RE Brokers Assisted Suicide?

When approaching Realtors with offers that utilize the Equity Holding (PACTrust) method... You should always start out in your own sweet little REI PREDATOR way

suggest that they present your offer to take over the seller’s debt-burden and if the Realtor 'plays Ball' with you that you will further agree to give them an exclusive on the 'Future Sale' of any home they send your way! The process looks a little something like this:

Go to an Open House:

When you arrive (conveniently a half hour before the Open House ends)


Call out of your local Real Estate magazine: after 9PM at night and LEAVE VOICE MESSAGES stating your willingness to offer 'Full Asking Price' on the home listed in their Ad.

When they do respond to you: (brace yourself for a fine Tongue–Lashing) reply by saying:

"It really sounds like you are doing well in the seller favor; got a lot of strong offers so far/Today?"

"I am probably the most SERIOUS Buyer you or your seller has talk to yet…if not then the home must already be SOLD!"

"Here’s my best offer to keep both you and your commission on the table."

"Have the Sellers to grant me a 45 Day (non-Exclusive Option) to come up with the cash they need for me to relieve them of 100% of their debt and responsibilities of this home.(Mortgage Payments Repairs, Insurance and Taxes)."

In turn I will give you an agreement with your firm to exclusively remarket the home and list it when I sell it in say 2-3 years!


Then depending on whether you made a new Friend or not:

Tell them you plan to go to the Seller yourself, (while he's out mowing the yard or walking his dog) and suggest that he might just put the property into an inter vivos trust and let you lease it for a few years while covering 100% of his payments, maintenance, repairs and upkeep (as per the provisions of my original Offer of a PACTrust that YOU REFUSED TO PRESENT TO HIM)

Now Hit ‘em HARD with this HAMMER:

Ergo…this way since no sale has taken place: only a landlord tenant relationship; there won’t be any commission owed to anyone (namely YOU).

And should you try and challenge this option (free will of the seller) no court in the country would even hear you or your complaint.

(NO Violation of the RE Commission Sales Contract)

Now go out there and give 'em commission or give 'em DEATH!

Derrick Ali


  • toby5921st November, 2002

    I am not understanding what you are trying to accomplish. Is the idea here that you would not have to make a down pmt or is the idea that you buy the house minus commissions. What does this stratagy accomplish?

    • beacon27th November, 2002 Reply


      if the seller agrees to give you that non-exclusive option to raise the money,

      What are your next few steps?

      Have you had any experiences in trying to extend that option if needed?

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