How To Flag Particular Thread!!

Hi All,

Wouldn't it be beneficial if, after responding to a thread, One could flag that thread and be notified if others are responding to that thread as well.

Sometimes, I find an interesting topic but because I am not the one that originally made the posting, there is no way for me to be notified when someone else replies to the message and I lose track of the thread.

Is there any way to make Email notification available even to those who did not originally start the thread?



  • commercialking20th May, 2004

    I agree. I've just spent the last 30 minutes attempting to re-locate a thread I had posted to. Not necessarily an e-mail notice but some method of "flagging" a topic to return to it easily.

  • melissa20th May, 2004

    What I would do is an advanced search of the forums using your username.

    Yes it would be better to have something set up.

  • InActive_Account26th May, 2004


    Yes, this is a *must* have.



  • DaveT26th May, 2004

    I just use the ten most recent topic postings in MyTCI to follow the thread for a couple of days. Click on any one of the ten listed topics to hotlink directly to the thread.

  • pushcart26th May, 2004

    I agree this would be extremely helpful especially since you can only see your last 10 posts. Great suggestion!!

  • loon26th May, 2004

    I’ve thought the same thing for months, and I agree. Could well get messy after awhile, though. Since I love lots of info for future reference, I’ve made Word files out of the most useful posts/strings. I post the direct URL/link at the top of the page, and cut and paste the juiciest bits of advice—and their authors; who know?—from the string into the body of the doc. Isn’t exactly a flag, but when I refer to it later, I can click the link to see the latest. Helps me keep a handle on the info overload, and it was esp. useful when I was learning the basics.

  • InActive_Account26th May, 2004

    I've just got a folder in my favorites. When I see something in a thread I want to reference later, I right-click "Add to Favorites." I usually change the title to something that helps me remember such as:

    "Lucius talking about pimps"


    "Getting payoff letter to lender pre-signed by seller"

    I don't get email notification, but all of the threads I want to keep track of are always just a click away... regardless if I'm on the site yet or not.

  • InActive_Account26th May, 2004


    I'm hearing another request in this thread - the ability to look through previous archives. I don't always look for threads with key words, but will read a thread because of the title. It would really be nice to be able to see a longer history.

    Many of the questions we newbies ask, are already answered in previous threads. I also noticed several times, that newbie questions can go awhile before getting a reply just because someone has answered the question a dozen times in previous threads.

    I'm not sure what you are using for your backend, but if you are using a database server, the history must still be there, unless you are truncating your history. If it is a file based backend, maybe we all need to contribute to a bigger hard drive grin


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