How To Find Real Owners
I am up to my ears in leads from several birddogs that I hired and had to tell them to stop looking because I am stuck
on finding the seller stage. All my properties are abandoned and Cook county tax records sometimes show a person who died 3 years ago as an owner. I keep on hitting dead ends and getting very frustrated. Any ideas?
I would like to out source that process to somebody, so I can move on.
You can try a few different online sources that are free:
and the paid ones...
Remember, the harder they are to find
the better the deal!
Best Riches,
Jeffrey Adam
Thank you Jeffrey,
I tried all that you are suggesting. I have subscription service with (they keep on skip tracing former owners), KnowX, and several more. Quantity of services does not translate into quality, at least in my hands.
Isn't there some way for you to find out who has been paying the RE taxes on these properties? Is it the county that collects RE taxes in your area or do individual municipalities (townships, boroughs)? Somebody is paying the taxes and the taxing authority should be able to tell you who they are and what their mailing addresses are.
You can try mailing a letter to the property address and more than likely they have it fowarded. It worked for me..
On 2004-05-20 18:47, NancyChadwick wrote:
Isn't there some way for you to find out who has been paying the RE taxes on these properties? Is it the county that collects RE taxes in your area or do individual municipalities (townships, boroughs)? Somebody is paying the taxes and the taxing authority should be able to tell you who they are and what their mailing addresses are.