How To Find Real Estate Investors

I have all the knowledge on how to purchase foreclosed homes. I have bought some properties for investors. How do I find clients or people willing to pay me a fee to do all the work? grin


  • dealfinder28th June, 2004

    Welcome RealEstateLocator,

    It looks like you just became a member of this site today. By doing that you have just plugged in to investors all over the country so I would say that you made a good start.

    You can also find investors at your local REI Association that you could possibly network with.

    How are you taking your foreclosure properties? What creative financing technique(s) are you using?


  • realestatelocator00729th June, 2004

    I purchase foreclosed properties at the auction for clients with cash. I charge my clients a flat fee or a certain percentage. I need more clients. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can locate investors?

  • mattfish1129th June, 2004

    Go to a local Real Estate Investing Club! They are full of informative speakers and active investors that would gladly pay you for your services!

    Good Luck!

  • realestatelocator00729th June, 2004

    Can you please inform me what is the best way to find a local real estate club? I have not heard much about meetings, spearkers,etc...

  • active_re_investor29th June, 2004

    1. Given where you live there is likely to be a local club. Check here for club listings and then ask around with local investors and others in the RE field (realtors, etc).

    2. Definitely watch out how you are explaining things here. First, you will be dinged for advertising and will be sent to TCI jail. Check the rules for promotion.

    Second, if you are working for a fee and not a principle to a transaction then you might be required to have a RE license.


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