How To Find Floor Plans For Home?

I have a duplex (originally was a sf home)I am considering remodeling back into a single family home. I can't seem to picutre how it was originally set up. Are there any books,plas...etc. that could help me reasearch this?


  • InActive_Account5th December, 2004

    The clues are usually in the house itself. Look at the walls, look under carpet for signs of old walls or something missing, it usually doesn't take too much to figure out what was changed once you stare, examine and ponder. You can usually tell where a wall or two were put up to change the place into a two family.

  • linlin5th December, 2004

    Go to the records department of zoning and planning and get copies of all the plans for the building. It should have the pre-duplex

  • InActive_Account6th December, 2004

    I don't know about your building dept, but none of the ones I have been in have those types of records. Have you actually done this and gotten copies of the drawings that were submitted for the constuction in question and drawings of the original floor plans? Be truthful now...

  • fjfesta6th December, 2004

    From about the 70's we were required to provide drawings to the building department or the planning and zoning boards in New Jersey.

    I hope all the drawings are on file in each town.


  • InActive_Account6th December, 2004

    The only thing I see on file now in building depts, especially since they are going to computers, is a copy of the building permit. No plans, no details no nothing. Way too much paperwork - or I guess disk storage and cost to scan them, with no percieved benefits by the building dept I guess. I can understand their reasoning, they aren't the library of congress and all that matters is that the permit was paid for, and the inspection passed. Whatever happened between the time the permit was pulled and the inspection passed it is irrelevant since that is what the inspectors are paid to be there for.

  • jhardman55607th December, 2004

    Thanks for the info. The person I purchased it from was an absolute crook and the City was unaware it was a duplex as, no permit was pulled when he converted it and the further I look into this house the more cockamamee patches I find. I'm going to have to spend some time looking for them clues rehabinator!!

  • InActive_Account7th December, 2004

    Good luck with it. You will find them if you look hard enough.

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