How To Fill Out Hud-1?
I have a blank Hud-1 statement and have always been curious as how to fill this out for a short sale. Is there anywhere you can find this info? Whenever I send over info to the lender I always use a Net Sheet but thought maybe the Hud-1 would look and work better.
Any thoughts?
Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe
There is a program called Caylst Point. That you fill in the blanks and it prints the hud for you. Mortgage brokers use it.
Is that how you spell it, because I type it in a search engine and nothing came up?
It's Calyx Point
I don't thing you should even condider buying the software. I believe it costs over $1200.
There is another site for HUDworx that lets you "sample" the program for 30 days free and print out the HUD-1. I have found that I can sign up every 35 days to try it for free over and over. Never did have to buy it.
and for info, you could go here ...
genesis 200 is much cheaper?
Also hud 1's arent that complicated.
We plan on building a Hud One tool on TCI pretty soon. Do I have any BETA testers??
Sure I would be willing to be a tester!
Taken robyn Thompsons boot camp, so familiar with forms but still learning ... and itching to invest.
Looked at houses, have to start making offers.
Count Me in Too JOEL!!!
Hi Joel,
I look forward to what you've got! How long before you will be ready for beta testing?
That’s great! We will give it a shot.
It’s already amazing how many valuable things have been concentrated here at TCI.
Keep up the good work!
There is a probram call "CUTEpdf Printer" which enables you to create PDF documents. There are HUD 1 pdf file are already out there for free. The program can be downloaded by going to acrosoftware on the web.