How To Do This

I have a tenant that is Section 8. I am going to let her out of her lease because the police have been to her apartment to many times and next time they come she will be arrested for disorderly conduct. Also her apartment is having to many issues such as A/C unit & Electrical issues, that are very costly to repair right now.

I am working on a mutual agreement to let her out the lease only if she pays me some of the 600.00 dollars she owes me for the two months she stayed there until here section 8 voucher kicked in. She promised to pay buy has not. I would have been let her out of the lease if she would have paid the 600.00 by now.

How can I write this mutual agreement to guarntee I get my money?

I am open to any advice, please advise.


  • ddstew15th September, 2010

    Unfortunately, her signature and her word are probably no different. If she has given a promise, a signed promise probably not result in a different outcome.

  • itlot15th September, 2010

    what can I do with the courts. can I have some civil action taken out on her.

  • itlot15th September, 2010

    Thanks royalfortune2

  • itlot16th September, 2010

    Is it best to turn this tenant over to a collections agency? Because I have given her three options to pay me back the $600.00 she owes. She claims she does not have any money to pay.

    Her mother promised to help her but has not paid me anything. Can I go after her mother too?

    Will filing a depository with the Magistra Court help?

  • smithj216th September, 2010


    I concur with a lot of the advise being given here. This tenant is on Section 8, had told you she has no money and her Mother is probably not in a better situation.

    I know it is painful to let the $600 go, but you are truly spinning your wheels. You will most likely spend more money on laywers and collection costs than it would take to just get her out.

    Now, I fully understand and I have been annoyed enough by some deadbeat tenants that I go after them just so it shows on their credit to warn other unsuspecting Landlords. To do this legally, you have two options that i know of:

    Depending on your county requirements, file for an eviction with money judgement. You need to pay attention and make sure you follow every step. If the judgement is granted, you need to record the judgement and make sure it has their social security and identifying information.

    You can also get them out and then file a small claims case. If you win the case, you will get a monetary judgement and then you also need to record it as well.

    In both cases, it is your responsiblity to collect on any judgement you receive from the court which could mean hiring a collections company or lawyer to work on a contingency basis.

    Again all a lot of work and you need to be realistic about your expectations.

    Good Luck.

  • ddstew28th September, 2010

    As stated before by others, push to get her out. She wanted to move and you are making it happen. As for the money she owes, do not release the section 8 until paid in full. It is funny, but she will probably be able to find the money if you hold firm. Let us know the outcome...

  • itlot28th September, 2010

    Thanks ddstew
    I will stay on top of it

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