How to Deter Copper Theft

Over the past 5-6 years, my wife and I have had probably 10k of damages due to copper theft. The first time this has happened, the condenser coil from 2 AC units (brand new, mind you) were stolen.

When that happened, I started using tamper proof screws and went around to all of our lower end units that we manage and replaced the screws with the tamper resistant stainless screws, shown here:

The problem is that the crack-head theives, with the return of copper prices, we got hit again. This time the plumbing was stolen as well as the gas inlet for the furnace. Oh yeah, we had locks on the outside of the crawlspace also.

While I wouldn't wish harm on nobody, I can't say that I didn't think about it.

Does anybody else have any ideas besides paying for a security system that is infrared?


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