How The Short Sale Benefits Homeowner Or Borrower?

Benefits of Short Sale.


  • NewKidInTown326th November, 2009

    Benefits the homeowner by allowing the sale of his home at a price that is less than needed to pay off the mortgage in full. If the homeowner is behind on the payments, short sale keeps the property from going into foreclosure.

    Since the homeowner is also the borrower, the same benefits apply.

  • donaldfred27th November, 2009

    A short sale of the real estate can be advantageous to the homeowner or borrower because:
    1. It can help them save their credit history.
    2. It can help them find a solution to an otherwise embarrassing situation.
    3. It could reduce the stress of finding funds to answer a certain financial obligation.
    4. It is the faster solution to mortgage foreclosure process.

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