How Should I Approach?

I just found out that my coworker's brother could be facing foreclosure. She really didn't have too many details except that they were making bigger payments, but they were still behind. She also said that her brother and his wife are having marital problems and he isn't living there anymore. I told her to have them call me if they were facing foreclosure, but I would like to follow up with them myself.

Should I send them a letter? Should I ask my coworker if she minds if I send them a letter being as that is how I found out they were in trouble? Does anyone have any letters that they would mind sharing?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


  • classimg20th October, 2003

    Ask the co-worker to give you the telephone number, then use telephone technology and create a (non-sales) 3-way call with the co-worker and introduce yourself, and request a face-to-face meeting to discuss the details.

    Short sweet and to the point.

    Solve the problem - Save their credit

    Stay motivated, act quickly, you can get this deal, we believe in you...

    Eric & Rosa


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