How QUICK Can I Build A Credit SCORE!

Need help quick!!! I'm in the middle of purchasing a home and my intial lender fail www.through.I have only 1 SCORE and thats with experian the credit card I have does not report to equifax or www.transunion.I need to buld 1 to 2 credit scores A.S.A.P.By the way my score is 680.Please help


  • joefm262nd December, 2004

    It would take at lease a month or so to build it up. Say you get the card on Dec 1st spend money and pay it off right away. They won't report until at least Jan 1st. You would be better off seeing if you can get the credit card company you have now to report to Equifax and transunion. You might try a mort company that utilizes rapid rescoring although it might cost you. Good Luck

    Joe Mendez

  • carmentrout2nd December, 2004

    The rapid rescore only works if you have a credit score www.already.Thanks for the reply

  • dnvrkid2nd December, 2004

    Ask your CC company to fax you a copy of your payment history.

    Call the CRA's and ask them for their fax number. Fax them a copy of the payment history AND complete information such as Full Name, SSN, Address, Phone, Yrs at this address, etc.

    Also try getting copies of payment histories from utilities, rents, etc. Make sure they contain your Account number and it would be even more helpful if they had your SSN on it.

    Make sure when you are faxing the CRA's that you mark the tops with Urgent.

    This may get the trick done, but no guarantees. If it gets you into their records at least you may be able to do a rapid rescore then.

    The best would be to get the CC to report to all three CRA's. Who is it if I may ask?

    I will check my records and see who pulls experian scores, but reports to all three. You may be able to use that when you call the CC company and say you are going to have to switch companies if they can't report to all three CRA's and lose a good customer.

  • rmdane20002nd December, 2004

    I thought all 3 bureaus shared most of their data...Its hard to believe the other 2 bureaus have no information on you...?

  • carmentrout2nd December, 2004

    What happen was that I'm a joint holder on a Old Navy account with my folks.For some reason there only reporting to www.experian.Thanks for the reply

  • carmentrout2nd December, 2004

    Does anyone know of any credit company that does report to Transunion or Equifax for a small fee within a week?Thanks for any replies.

  • dnvrkid2nd December, 2004

    Unfortunately it will not do you any good. These CRA's will NOT give you a score until they have several months worth of history, usually 6 or more.

    That is why you best chance if you need immediate results is to gather information from you existing accounts and try to get them to accept that as your history.

    Opening an account will take at least 30 days to report and you would have to buy something and pay it off even for that to happen.

  • carmentrout2nd December, 2004

    If I have a tradeline that's suppose to hit in 1 week to Transunion for a credit limit of 7500.Do you think it will affect me generating a score since it's only been 1 mo.

  • getgoing3rd December, 2004

    I agree with dvn,

    Why cant you get the info from the C.C. that is reporting to the one and send it to the others? Sounds like your only option.


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