How Much To Offer A Seller In Foreclosure.

I am new to this forum, and I want to know how much can I offer the motivated seller? I would like to know is there a certain percentage of the sales price I would offer the seller so that the seller can deed me the home? rolleyes


  • dealfinder6th June, 2004

    Hello Dreamer64,

    In order to help you, you would have to be more specific. For example:

    Are you providing an "all cash" offer?

    Are you taking this property Sub2?

    Are you taking this property on a lease option?

    What stage of foreclosure is the homeowner in?

    What does the homeowner hope to accomplish?

    After you have answers to these questions, then come all the questions that deal with the numbers to see if there is a deal here. Good Luck.


  • active_re_investor6th June, 2004

    You offer them three things.

    1. A offer deal where they can get on with their lives. One in the hand is worth how many possible deals later?

    2. You offer them a way to save some of their credit. No foreclosure. No further late payments. Brought current and then no more late payments showing up on their credit report.

    3. You offer then a way to get out as-is with no issues about cleaning, etc.

    Make the offer and if they are motivated then they will decide if it is right for them.

    You think they have equity. I say they do not. The house only has equity to someone who has the time and knowledge to convert that equity into cash. Someone who can not make the payments has lost the equity until they can get it sold for more then they owe. If they can, all the power to them. If not they maybe there is a lot less equity then they realize OR the time pressures do not allow for a normal sale cycle to finish.

    Be polite. Make your offer. Explain it so they understand what they get. Then let them decide and be prepared to walk away. If they realize later the offer was a good one and you still want to extend it they can call you.


    21+ years experience investing in residential property and notes in three countries (multiple states in the US).[ Edited by active_re_investor on Date 06/06/2004 ]

  • dreamer649th June, 2004

    Thanks for your advice. I have another question. What if the homeowner does not have equity what should I do?

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