I have a rental property that have tenents. My wife and I have decided to sell the property, was wondering how long you have to give them to move out.

The lease aggrement expired in october

I live in Iowa, If someone could tell me or tell me where I could get the info, It would be greatly appricieated.

P.S The property is a single family house, and don't thonk the tenants can afford the house to sell it to them.

THX again



  • alexlev24th February, 2004


    What did it say in their lease? Mine says that after the lease expires and if they're still living in the property, they now live under month-to-month terms with the same rules and requirements as were in effect with their lease. You'll need to check your local laws, but in most states (I think) even if your lease doesn't mention it, this type of situation would mean that they are now month-to-month tenants. And if that's the case, then the usual notice is 30 days. Speak with your lawyer.

    Good luck.

  • jbpowers24th February, 2004

    Thanks alex,
    Yes, the lease says month to month after the lease expires.

    Thanks for the info

  • smithke27th February, 2004

    Joe, you might want to consult Chapter 562A Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Law in the Iowa code.

    562A.34 Periodic tenancy.
    "2. The landlord or the tenant may terminate a month-to-month tenanacy by a written notice given to he other at least thirty days prior to the periodic rental date specified in the notice."

    I am not a lawyer but have been property managing for several years.

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