How Much Info?

How much information should be given when dealing with your buyer? Are digital photos and a general decription of the neighborhod and location acceptable. For you buyers out there how much info do you require to even get you interested if someone were to contact you about a property..

Thanks in advance for all responses.



  • jbinvestor29th December, 2004

    I usually just give my buyers the Price and the address.
    how many bed rooms/bathrooms and sq. feet.

    Then I answer questions if they ask.

    Some might ask what the ARV is, I tell them what I came up with.

    Some may ask how much in repairs it needs. I tell them my estimate.

    But initially I only give them the address, price, an bed/bath sq ft

    It's up to them to do their own due diligence and figure out what ARV and the repairs. If they ask I'll give them what I came up with. Unless they ask I don't volunteer any extra info.


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