How Much Home Staging Costs and What You can Do to Save on it?

Some of you might ask: Why spend on a property that you will move out soon? It is because a staged home can be sold faster and at a higher price. Evidence shows that the cost for home staging is totally worth as staged homes are sold 88% faster than the ones without being staged. Also, the price is 20% more.

In this post, we will find out more details about home staging and how you cut off its cost.
How much home staging costs?

Obviously, the price will depend on how big your home is and how much it needs to be staged. Therefore, the pricier the home is staged, the more you have to pay. However, for the average statistics, the most common figure is around $350 and $650 for an initial design consultation and a bit more for staged rooms. In total, you need at least $2000 a month to stage a home at 2,000 square feet.

It seems costly, but a lot of bills for unstaged house sitting empty can be saved. In addition, if what you spent will make your home fabulous with appropriate furniture and tasteful décor, and become more inviting in the home buyers’ eyes, this expenditure might be more worth than ever.

In addition, with just $25, you can virtually stage your home with the best furniture.

What can make the staging cost more?

We have just talked about the general cost to stage a home, but what are the factors that can make the cost for a property more than others. The following are some of them:

- Home stagers will make use of most of the knickknacks and art in your homes, but sometimes they need to buy something that is not available, but play an essential role in make a big difference. They can be new accessories, new towels, fresh fruit, and flowers. Especially for vacant homes, these new purchases will add value to the property.

- Although home stagers often choose lightweight versions of furniture, this job still requires an additional fee for heavy lifting to move furniture in and out.

- If you have already moved out, there is a need for rental fees for every stick of furniture, also all décor from stagers.

- It can be the cost to remove tons of excess knickknacks that can add up the staging total. Decluttering is necessary, especially for religious, political or personal stuff so that homebuyers can easily envision their life in the home.

- If the paint coat of your home is not welcoming, this can cost you some to ensure a successful staging. Normally, the price to paint a 14-by-14-foot room is around $500.

How to save on the cost of home staging?

The most important thing to save on home staging is to focus on only the main rooms of your home where potential will spend most of their visiting time. They include kitchen, dining room, living room, and master bedroom.

Next thing is to limit in an initial consultation with your stagers instead of full-service staging. Even if your home is in good condition, your real estate agent can recommend you to declutter the home by yourselves and spend just for a few home improvement tasks. There is no need to hire a professional stager then.

Home staging is the choice of most home buyers despite its cost because they are more likely to sell their homes faster and at a much better price. Also, this cost will cover a range of bills for carrying costs.

Nowadays, home sellers and real estate agents often use a digital technique that can help them to have the best images to show their listing and attract more traffic. It is virtual home staging . More importantly, this costs you much lower than the traditional method.


  • JackS14th June, 2020

    Virtual home staging is a farce. Many folks are going to need to do a walk through before the property is purchased.

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