How Much Can I Make??

I realize there is alot a variables when answering this question, but how much does a wholesaler make per year? I will start off part-time and depending on how I do, I would like to invest in RE full time. I am a very hard and diligent worker and usually succeed when putting my mind to the grind stone. I am just curious how much you experienced guys are making annually??? I also was wondering how many hours a week you SUCCESSFUL wholesalers are working?? tongue laugh tongue laugh


  • richyrich26th April, 2004


  • hibby7626th April, 2004

    Drop JefferyAdams a line. He's been wholesaling for a number of years.

    Not my specialty, but I think it's quite realistic that in 6 months you could be doing at least one house a month and getting $5K per home without too many problems.

    Any other opinions???

  • Jimbezy26th April, 2004

    There are investors that make close to a million a year flipping and there are guys like me making $0 a year in real esate. But with continuing persistance, continuing knowlage, and taking action will yeld you and myself great returns.

    Best of Luck,
    James 8-)

  • jeff1200226th April, 2004

    I don't believe that I've seen a question that depends more upon you, and your level of proficiency than this one. I could throw almost anything out there, and you could prove me right or wrong. Set your own goals, and do whatever it takes to make them happen.[ Edited by jeff12002 on Date 04/26/2004 ]

  • JeffAdams26th April, 2004

    The sky is the limit with wholesaling.
    It is not as easy as it appears though.
    Back when HUD would have their auctions, I would look at 100 properties and purchase around 3 properties that I would wholesale for $3k-$5k a piece.
    You really have to know your "playing field" in terms of property values. You also need to learn how to estimate rehab cost so that you can tell one of your potential wholesale buyers the property value and amount of rehab.

    I would recommend starting out part-time and shoot for a realistic price of
    $3k-$10k a property, leaving room in the deal for your wholesale buyer.

    Best Riches,
    Jeffrey Adam

  • tinman175527th April, 2004

    I will usually buy a SFR and a duplex three to four times a year. I will sell the SFR as owner-occupied and keep the the duplexes. Depending on the amount of rehab the amount of profit will vary. I can use my company for all interior work. I can get all materials at cost for the outside work. The lowest I've ever made is $2K and the highest is 58K . I usually average 70K to 85K net a year on doing this.

    I do not do any work myself so I can not say how many hours a week this takes. I do work a full time job besides doing Real Estate both renting and flipping. I am only talking about my own deals. This does not include any wholesale deals I may do with other investors.

    Good Luck


  • results_one27th April, 2004

    You KNOW investors that make a million a year flipping or you have heard of them? I am not challenging it, I just did not know the market potential was there to make millions off of just flipping. Real estate--yes, but just flipping?

    Just wondering.......

  • Taiyo27th April, 2004

    With houses, it is hard. Supplemented With other types of R/E investments, it is possible.

    I have come close. It took 7 years working 8 to 12 hour days, 7 days a week to establish my Buying network and my Selling network (The two shall never meet).

    I now only work 6 to 8 hour days 5 to 6 days a week.

    I have a Type A personality. It is not work to me. I enjoy what I do.

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