How Many Properties Can you Purchase?

As a beginner investor, my lender told me that i could purchase up to six properties under Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac combined (that will be 5 investment property and 1 primary residence). Is this true? I thought Fannie Mae up to 4 properties and Freddie Mac up to 9 or 10 properties? After the x amount of property limit for each government owned lender, how could you acquire properties beyond that x amount?


  • JohnLocke4th February, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    I see you are thinking conventionally rather than creatively.

    I know that purchasing the 'Subject To' way I can buy and sell as many houses as I can find.

    I have purchased many houses using 'no doc' loans, there was not a limit on how many I could purchase or limit on the dollar amount in combined houses.

    It just depends whether you think inside the box or outside of the box, most people have a conventional up bringing so it is hard to step out of the box and see the world of investing as it really is and what works un-conventionally for many investors.

    Welcome on board this board, keep posting you will get various points of view on how to invest, then find a way that makes sense to you.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • MTINVGRP13th December, 2004

    I know this is an old post but I want to see if we can get it going again because I have a question regarding the samething but with the IRS. How many before getting a red flag with them as for how many HUD1 statements? rolleyes

  • MTINVGRP13th December, 2004

    I know this is an old post but I want to see if we can get it going again because I have a question regarding the samething but with the IRS. How many before getting a red flag with them as for how many HUD1 statements? rolleyes

  • MTINVGRP13th December, 2004

    I know this is an old post but I want to see if we can get it going again because I have a question regarding the samething but with the IRS. How many before getting a red flag with them as for how many HUD1 statements? rolleyes

    On , wrote:

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