How Many Mailings To One Owner?

I have a good list of people in pre-foreclosure. In a campaign, do you do multiple mailings to owners in pre-foreclosure? Or do you hit them once, take the responses, and then move on to hit new folks? Assuming the campaign is strong (good list, good copy, good timing) do experienced marketers find a return on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th mailings to a list?



  • JasonVanOrden19th September, 2005


    You for sure want to mail multiple times to the same prospects. You can double your response by mailing multiple times (assuming the list and copy are good).

    Of course, this all depends on your budget. I say mail to them until the house is sold or foreclosed or until they ask you to stop. If you money is limited, then try to at least hit them 2-3 times.

    I am also a big fan of using multiple media to reach your list. Mix it up. Different people will respond better to different media.

    To your success,


  • Stockpro9930th September, 2005

    <[ Edited by Stockpro99 on Date 10/03/2005 ]

  • worknomore3rd October, 2005

    I mailed to 910 absentee owners. In the first mailing I had 10 potential sellers call me back. Out of these I was able to connect with 7. Also I had 2 people call me to be taken off the mailing list.

    In the second mailing, I got 8 calls requesting me to take them off the list and 1 call of a potential seller.

    Third mailing 2 very annoyed callers who wanted off the mailing list.

    Rest assured all requests were taken care of before the next mailing. So in all I got 12 people for wanted off the list and 11 potentially motivated sellers.

    So does it make sense to mail more than twice to the same owner? Looks like diminishing returns !!

  • Stockpro993rd October, 2005

    Utah has about 90-120 days on average after the NOD has been filed. We send out a series of 6 letters to home owners.

    Thomas Lucier does the same thing and claims the greatest success with the 3-6 letters/mailings to the same person..

    Copy is statistically only about 15-20% importance on bringing in business.

    I would avoid scammy sounding pitches like the state law approach.

    Be sincere & consistant and you will bring people in.

  • Stockpro993rd October, 2005

    I give up! I have tried to post this about three times now and I seem to get only one line in.

    Our state has about a 90-120 days after the NOD has been filed and often longer. We use 6 letters to the owner.

    Thomas Lucier states that his greatest success if from letters #3 to letter #6. We have had good luck out the gate.

    I think the most important thing is the consistancy and avoiding the scammy approach like the state law thing. Insincerety always shows!

  • energy10th October, 2005


    Where do you get your phone numbers from,..standard directory or your list comes with the numbers?

  • hha85th November, 2005

    There is a bug in the forums, that links certain key words like N-O-D. It turns the rest of the post into a popup. You will see what I mean when you put your mouse cursor over the underscore at the end of your post. Here I have fixed it for now.

    On 2005-10-03 19:25, Stockpro99 wrote:
    Utah has about 90-120 days on average after the N-O-D has been filed. We send out a series of 6 letters to home owners.

    Thomas Lucier does the same thing and claims the greatest success with the 3-6 letters/mailings to the same person..

    Copy is statistically only about 15-20% importance on bringing in business.

    I would avoid scammy sounding pitches like the state law approach.

    Be sincere & consistant and you will bring people in.

  • hha85th November, 2005

    On 2005-10-03 19:30, Stockpro99 wrote:
    I give up! I have tried to post this about three times now and I seem to get only one line in.

    Our state has about a 90-120 days after the N-O-D has been filed and often longer. We use 6 letters to the owner.

    Thomas Lucier states that his greatest success if from letters #3 to letter #6. We have had good luck out the gate.

    I think the most important thing is the consistancy and avoiding the scammy approach like the state law thing. Insincerety always shows!

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