How Many Birddoggs Knock On Doors?

I work with an investor who primarily does preforclosures, and I find that once I get the names, addresses and phone numbers its hard to reach most of the owners because their phones are disconnected. I'm not surprised by this at all so I'm going to knock on doors starting this weekend. I'm not afraid of getting doors slammed in my face or people being rude, but I'm just wandering how many other birddogs use this method. I would think you'd get a better response from being in person, this way the owner can "see" that you're really trying to help them and not just a jerk who wants to take their house away. How many other birddogs use this method? If you don't, is the phone your primary way of contacting the owners and if so, how does that work for you?


  • classimg10th October, 2003

    Take it SLOW when approaching their home. We usually stand in the front grass away from the door after the initial knock. Sometimes we bring the family to set a level presentation to the home owner. One warm greeting is all it takes.

    The first meeting is to introduce ourselves and attempt to setup an appointment to discuss the details.

    Good Luck!

    Eric & Rosa

  • LSDH10th October, 2003

    I agree, a warm approach is the best way to go. Last summer I ran a residential painting company and I spent long Saturdays knocking on doors asking if they wanted a free estimate for exterior painting, but help with a foreclosure is a much more sensitive subject. I'm hoping the owners will see that i'm trying to be of some assistance and not just shrug me off. I'm starting tomorrow, so I'll post my results.

  • DerrickAli10th October, 2003

    Eric & Rosa:

    Get to the Heart Strings and HUMAN side FIRST then present your bums off about WHY Sell to YOU!

    I usually offer them a HOUSE WARNING GIFT...bka The Homeowners Loss-Prevention (HLP)Kit.

    I put several things inside of an overnight Letter envelope and say to the Owner...
    "Hello, My name is Derrick...
    And I brought this GIFT for you and Your Family to put to use ...just in case Your Lender doesn't want to work things out with you! HAVE A GOOD DAY!"---

    I then immediately leave their porch and jump back into my auto ...when they ask me what it's all about...I say:

    "Just read the info in the envelope and call me if I can be of more help to you..BYE BYE!"

    Never give them an opportunity to SHOOT you down...when they call YOU SURVEY THEM to QUALIFY THEM for WORKING with YOU...Set Up an Apptmt abd Bring the paperwork for them to SIGN and MAKE A DECISION
    (guarantee all this B4 going out to meet with them---if they or someone elese needs to sign as well)

    I hope this helps!


  • maverickstar10th October, 2003

    As a professional door knocker it is the best way to go. But remember there are at least 7 other door knockers out there with you. What sets you a part from the pack. HONESTY, FAIRNESS, EMPATHY AND THE MOST IMPORTANT DO NOT LOOK DOWN ON THE PERSON, BUT REALLY TRY TO HELP. VULTURES MAY WIN BUT IN THE END THEY LOSE!

  • DerrickAli15th October, 2003


    Tell Us How Your DOOR KNOCKING ADVENTURE Went???

    you wrote---

    Quote:"I'm starting tomorrow, so I'll post my results"

    Derrick Ali

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