How Far Article "ads" Go

The latest article on TCI, entitled something to the effect of "how to build your power team" is a truly interesting piece. First, the author suggests placing a "ghost ad" in the paper to attract real estate agents, etc. I don't know if this would be nearly as effective as he makes it sound, plus I think you would have some possible legal problems with advertising fraud, but that just could be me, although the author himselfs hints at it's "immorality."

But what really got my attention was the second interesting thing about the article. In the notes section at the bottom, the author includes a website. The website is none other than another REI forum devoted mainly to selling REI books/courses.

I really couldn't get over the fact that TCI is now offering free advertising to it's competition. The competing website, I might add, also had a better articles section.



  • JohnLocke7th October, 2004


    I saw exactly what you did a few minutes ago when I read the article and then clicked on the URL to this persons site.

    If you noticed the site had a TCI Link Button, so I guess you can advertise here if you put a TCI Button on your site.

    However, with the increasing amount of ads showing up in the posts lately I doubt all these posters who have been advertising & board hustlers have a TCI Button.

    I don't see how we can have it both ways and allow advertising in one or two areas of TCI and expect the Moderators to maintain decorum in the Forums.

    We do our jobs by deleting these posts and the poster who got deleted gets hot and doesn't understand what he did wrong as he sees other ads allowed and thus leaves the site forever in wonderment.

    Speaking now as a Channel Partner who has devoted many hours on this site doing my share of posting and helping where I can, I really appreciate your comment "The website is none other than another REI forum devoted mainly to selling REI books/courses."

    I probably had better just stop right here.


  • NancyChadwick8th October, 2004

    Why not put Articles in a Forum? The Article could begin on the homepage of the Residential and Commercial sites but continue in the Articles Forum. This way, Articles would be subject to the Forum rules.


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