How Else Can I Go About Looking For Sellers?

I currently drive around and write down the addresses of distressed properties, get the owners name (alternate address & phone number if they are listed), send post cards and/or call/visit them.
I also have realtors searching the MLS or any other opportunities to find a fixer upper below market value for me.
I visit homes close to forclosure/default, if not in it already.
I advertise in local papers.
I have contacts of over 50 investors looking to buy, for when I assign/bird dog/rehab.
What else can I do? I have been spending a few hours each day, but not a deal yet. My investors are waiting for me. I am being patient because I know 1-2 deals have the potential to be worth a whole years salary. Any ideas would be appreciated.


  • powecjhlo17th December, 2004

    what city ,state do you live in

  • loon17th December, 2004

    Bandit signs, targeted mailings, magnet signs for your car...spend a few hours on this Marketing Forum, you should find enough ideas to keep you very busy. Are you doing followups to your mailings? It often takes 3 mailings (and maybe a visit and/or phone call) to get someone off their butt. And depending on your area and competition, the harder it is to find the contact info for a particular house/owner, the less chance you're competing with other investors. Patience helps too, but isn't enough by itself. Remember, if this was easy, everybody would be doing it.

  • aceinquiries17th December, 2004

    I am in the Bay Area, California.
    And thank you for the ideas.
    I will continue to search through this site for ideas, and to help others when I can.

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