How Easy Is It To Approach Sellers With A Lease Option?

how easy is it to approach sellers to lease option thier home with the intent to turn it into a investment property?

how are you guys approaching sellers? ideas?



  • commercialking23rd July, 2004

    So Kris, when the move.

    You don't approach people with a lease option. You approach them attempting to understand what they want to do. What are their needs/interests/desires relative to this property (or not, even relative to life in general is a good conversation)?

    Sometimes a Lease/option is the way for them to move closer to their desires while at the same time you move closer to yours. Other times it is not. The method is the cart. The goals are the horse. Do not put the cart before the horse.

  • krisinontario23rd July, 2004

    ok so im going to be concentrating FSBO's (for sale by owners) should i call them and screen what they are looking to do with the home?

    what would be the case that would best fit the seller other than they are looking to move the house quickly and without much overhead such as realator fee's...

    this is what i was thinking...approach the seller talk with them about the house find how motivateed they are to sell, purpose terms and sell them on the concept of optioning the home to enable them to get into another home better suiting thier situation???

    what are yout thaughts??


  • LeaseOptionKing27th July, 2004

    Never mention Lease Option/Purchase over the phone (unless you want to be a telemarketer and call 200 before you get a maybe).

  • krisinontario27th July, 2004

    so i get into the house i find that i could work the deal and when we sit down for me to make an offer is this when i purpose the LO?

  • kenmax27th July, 2004

    let the seller tell you what he needs. then just ask them if they have considered a l/o then try to solve their objections if they have any.......kenmax

  • krisinontario27th July, 2004

    alot of the ppl i know who are FSBO have really no clue what a LO i will have to go threw the whole process in how this is the best way for me to solve the problem....

    how did you guys handle the situation such as newbie to different methods of selling thier home?

  • krisinontario27th July, 2004

    YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW GRATEFULL I AM...this is what i have been looking for an in with these perspective sellers...

    i swear im going to send you a portion of my first deal as a HUGE THANK YOU!!!

  • LeaseOptionKing27th July, 2004

    Nah, consider that a freebie to all the newbies.

  • krisinontario3rd August, 2004

    one question

    you were saying from the second question about if they have time constraints and or need debt relief to go on my saying we can help....

    what other situations would they say in yoru experience....

    i plan on compliing a rebutle list but a heads up would be great



  • LeaseOptionKing3rd August, 2004

    Must sell quickly (job transfer, divorce, or any number of unique reasons) or making payments on two houses are the most common.

  • 203520353rd August, 2004

    Option King!

    Thank you for helping the Newbies.

    I value your information it helps people like me that are new to the purchase option arena.

    Today I recieved a call from a GURU's assistant who ask me if I would like a mentor. I said Yes. He said the Guru Charges 15 thousand Dollars for one year of mentoring. I said, I am a Newbie where am I going to get 15K to pay him. I did not even do one deal Yet.
    How did you start? Did you have a mentor.15K for one year they think we rich. How we gonna ask 15k worth of questions a year if we are new.
    What did you do to bridge the gap? DID you have a mentor? Do I need one?

  • LeaseOptionKing3rd August, 2004

    Sometimes Mentoring can make a difference, but not everyone will need one. I've had several teachers, but no actual Mentor.

  • miraclehomes4th August, 2004

    Mentoring is definately the way to go, but there are more cost effective mentor programs out there than the one that costs 15 thousand dollars.

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