How Does One Recognize A Bargain Deal Or Good Financing?

How does one get good at understanding what a bargain deal is, what a favorable financing is, and how to find bargain deals, or deals with favorable financing?


  • Sham7183rd December, 2005

    Inspection usually falls upon the lap of the would be in your best interest to get one done prior to closing if you decide to purchase. Costs about $200..give or take depending on your local market. The inspection will give you a very good idea as to what needs to be repaired/replaced inside the house before you buy and also may help you negotiate the asking price down.
    What price range are you looking to purchase the house at?
    An appraisal is going to be required anyway by a bank if you decide to obtain financing on this property for purchase.

  • Sham7184th December, 2005

    You dont need an appraisal persay to figure out what the property would be worth approximately. You can get a general idea by getting comps at sites like . You said you arent making any repairs but in your original post it said the rehabber wants you to finish the job.

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