How Do You Present The Sub-lease Issue To The Owner

I am new to this area of investing. Is it best to simply tell the owner that you will not actually be living in the property, but in fact sub-letting it to another. I would like to know how others handle this situation, or is even a big deal with owners.

Please advise...Thanks


  • mcduffie26th February, 2005

    Thanks. Its a SFH. I was upfront and told the owner, meeting with him tomorrow, so we will see what happens.

  • dealfinder3rd March, 2005


    I believe that it is always good business practice to be honest and upfront. It saves alot of headaches and possible court action down the line.

    I make it clear to my homeowners that I am a real estate investor and have no plans to live in their home they are selling. What I am offering them is a means to accomplish their goals. My lease option agreement clearly states that I have the right to sublease the property at my sole discretion (meaning I do not need their prior approval of a tenant buyer I place in the home).

    If your presentation is a professional and polished one that clearly points out the advantages to the homeowner that your deal will afford them, you will be able to close more deals with less headaches. You will also be able to sleep alot better at night. Good Luck.


  • mcduffie4th March, 2005

    Thank you Dealfinder!

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