How Do You Get The "Dream Team" Together??

I was just wondering.. I am very very new to REI. I haven't even made my first deal yet. I was wondering though, how do people go about finding the real estate attorney, building remodelers, etc. that they would like on their team to help get property ready??


  • KyleGatton14th July, 2004

    The best way is through referrals. The best lawyer I use was hired by someone else on a deal I was working on, He drilled me so bad, that I knew he was worth whatever they were paying him. After that I hired him.
    As far as handymen or remodelers, the only solution that has worked for me is training a newbie from the ground up that had some handy skills.
    With anyone in a broker situation, unless you are one of the top 5 money makers for them, they will be busy doing other deals to support themselves. In turn you should keep a couple of them going to see who has the best success rate.

    Good Luck,

  • hibby7614th July, 2004

    Kyle's given some good advice.

    It is difficult to find someone good when you're not quite sure how to identify someone that IS good.

    Referals are probably your best place to start out. Find someone you respect in the business who is doing what you want to do and ask them who their attorney and accountants are. Go to the attourney and ask for recommendations for an accountant, and vice versa.

    Once you've got 3-4 of each set up appointments to meet with them. Go in with some questions in mind and ask them everything you can. I choose my accountant over several others because of a few things. 1. We get along well. 2. He does primarily real estate. 3. He was highly recommended. 4. I pay a bit more to do my taxes every year, but he doesn't charge by the minute like many other accountants. Basically I get all the accounting advice for free as long as he does my taxes once a year. Not a bad deal for me who hates learning about the new IRS changes, etc.

    Handymen are more difficult, from my experience. Try a couple until you find one that's a good fit. I prefer someone who's honest and dependable, but has some learning to do than to one that knows everything but I can't trust or depend on. I want them to be able to work independantly.

    Apartment associations and Real Estate groups are a great place to network, meet people, and make connections with other professional.

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