How Do I ?
Is it better to use a mortgage broker in my city for loans to buy propertieshat are out of state, or find a good broker or lender in that city or state. All opinions are always appreciated.
"there are always options, we just have to look for them"[ Edited by patrecejames on Date 09/14/2004 ]
if you could find a local broker who has the ability and knows appraisers, etc out in another state, I would go that route. that way if something doesn't go right, you can visit with them personally
I think the only restriction would be that they have to be licensed to do business in the state that the property is in.
The only advantage of working with a local broker, as i see it, is the ability to sign papers right then and there without the use of a traveling notary. That and of course being able to actually sit down and speak with someone.