How Do I Structure A Lease-option Deal...

How do structure a lease-option deal with a seller, I need it to last 2 years as it may take me upto 2 years to subdivide the land, so that I may build on it ? LOL


  • JeffAdams6th February, 2004

    Go to "Shop" under consignment and buy Ron Legrands cash flow modules.
    It is all layed out there.

    Best Riches,
    Jeff Adam

  • Neill76th February, 2004

    First comment is a WARNING:

    The seller may find a way to back out of the sale if he gets greedy after you add some very valuable improvements to HIS property.

    This can be a very nasty business because money is involved, after all.

    Assuming everything is good you asked about....


    You sign a lease - and in this sense you are merely a tenant.

    You sign an option to buy - which should be very similar to a purchase contract but it says the "seller WILL sell and buyer MAY buy".

    This gives YOU more control over your DECISION to close or not, but not more control over the property necessarily.

    You give a deposit when papers are signed. (Usually a few thousand)

    Now you are a TENANT who has the right to buy at a specified price (say 100K) for a specified period of time (up to 2 years).

    You may have a right to renew after 1 year or whatever, but when all your time has run out, the owner can sell to someone else.

    It is arguable whether you can fight it out and get your deposit back.

    If everything goes according to plan and you get the funds needed, you call the owner and arrange a closing date.

    You close like a regular sale.

    Just get a title company who does these so that they dont get confused and make the deal more complicated than they need to.


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