How Do I Reel This One In?

This person advertised in our local paper.
"Handyman Special. Will hold 30 year mortgage with $6k down. Down payment 100% refundable. Your labor becomes your down payment." duplex $127,500

He also placed a similar add for another home with 0 down terms. He'll hold a second if the buyer can get a 1st mortgage. 3/2 $137,500

Called the guy, but his mailbox was full. Gonna call him again but how do I separate myself from the tons of other callers? Just from the ad, can anyone tell if this guy wants cash or interest on his money? I've done all the numbers and I've really got my eye on the duplex. Asked myself all the questions and YES the deal is very worth it. Just need to know how I can stand out from the rest of the callers. Thanks in advance.


  • pejames2nd February, 2004

    Sounds like a fellow investor. Leave a message and tell him you are also an investor and would like to talk to him. It can't hurt and you never know. It could lead to bigger and better for both parties involved.
    Good luck

  • Hawthorn2nd February, 2004

    Google allows you to find a name that is attached to a phone number.
    Having the name, you can now knock on his door.
    If you want to impress him even more, go to the county records and see if he owns any properties under his name. Who knows, you may be able to identify this duplex.
    When you meet him now, you can definitely impress him with the homework you've done.
    Happy investing.


  • pejames2nd February, 2004


  • jakluver2nd February, 2004

    I would actually try to contact this gentlemen by other means if it is that great of a deal. You can find the owner of the property by locating the tax record (county public records). Find the taxpayers address. Send this gentleman a letter explaining your interests. Maybe even go to his house showing your interests. Just be respectful of his time and personal life.

  • tinman17555th February, 2004

    What would seperate you is to show him the $137,000.00. That would get my attention. Do you have the money? Do you have an approval for the money? That would make him return your calls first.


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