How Do I Protect My Assignment Fee If Buyer Goes Behind My Back To Deal With Seller

this has not happened to me, but is that possible? anythings possible, i know. if i have seller under contract ,and i want to assign contract to investor. what if investor goes to seller behind my back to pull deal from under me. if looking to assign, at what point do i give investor "comps and numbers". do i give actual address of seller or do i hold some info back?
are investors supposed to know about assignment fee as soon as you screen them? any replies will be helpful. this is a great website. rolleyes


  • ZinOrganization24th December, 2004

    there is always a chance that the new buyer could try to wait out your contract with the seller and "steal the deal" you could also record against title a memorandum of agreement witch clouds the title and can prevent that from happening.

    you might just want to do a double close if your not comfortable with telling the new buyer how much the fee will be. i would generally do an assignment on a deal that im making a lessor amount of money on. say less then 10k. if its over that then double closing is the way to go unless the buyer doesnt mind paying the fee.

    you generally market it to them for the full price your selling it for. say that you have the house under contract for 100k and want 10k. what you would tell them upfront as soon as you talk to them is that your asking 110k. and like i said depending on the situation you can either do an assignment or double close.

  • antonyonewton25th December, 2004

    thanks zin.......for responding.
    i undersyand assignment of contract, which i pay no closing cost. but what about a double close?as someone starting off with hardly no cash and low fica scores, i dont think i will be able to fund closing, let alone "2" closing transactions. is it possible to double-close and i pay no closing cost?please respond to this post and give us newbies a scenerio of a double close with none of my own money. you are the only one that responded to this topic so far.....and i want to thank you again for your input.

  • jbinvestor25th December, 2004

    II have never paid any out of pocket closing costs doing a simultaneous closing. If there are any that I paid they came out of my proceeds.


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