How Do I Obtain The Notice Of Default List From The Court House

Hi I'm a newbie trying to break into the investment world. First of all let me commend on how people are very helpful here and someday I hope when I'm learned I'll return the favor. I'm trying to get the notice of default list from the court house. Is it as easy as going to the court house and ask for past court filings? Because I live in MA and I think all NOD Lists are kept in boston only. So what I did was I called the court house and asked the clerk if I wanted to obtain the list should I simpy go there. She told me I need the persons names of whom the default is happening to, which I didn't have. So I told her I'll call her back and didn't. I called back after an hour and asked if I wanted to inspect court filings for the past week what I should do. She asked if I was a reporter or what interest I had with the list. So I said I was an investor. She said she doesn't give the list to investors ...
Could sombody please help me with some suggestions as to how I can obtain the NOD List from the court house? I'd really appreciate


  • briandalegm10th November, 2003

    One thing that I found extremely helpful is a website called realtytrac .There listings are pretty decent. Their are charges $19.00 permonth for a subscription, but I found it saves alot of reserach time!It doesn't give names but addresses.

    They list NOD's and REO's and all kinds of stuff! Hope this helps.[ Edited by briandalegm on Date 11/10/2003 ]

  • ahabion10th November, 2003


    i just wen to the court house today to get my list. well for me in SC, NOD's are aka Lis Pendens... so i ask the front desk clerk,"excuse me, where can i find out where the auction for the foreclosed homes are?" the point me to the direction of "Master of Equity"... i see a list (3-2" binders) of houses up for auction for that month. So i said to myself, "I cant use these i need some that were just in default..." so i went back downstairs and said to the front desk clerk, "where can i find out where they file the defaulted homes or where they keep the records for homes that are just got into foreclosure?" she pointed me to the clerk of court and i asked there,"hi do you have a list of people who are in default of their homes?" she said the list for auctions is upstairs... i said, "no, i'm looking for people who just recently defaulted and in the beginning stages of preforclosure." she said "Oh, you mean Lis Pendens." I said,"yes, thats it.." she brought me out a 2" binder full of 3weeks of defaulted people from Oct. 27-today. Juicy info there.

    hope this helped some. just ask around and really, go to the court house and just ask around. its too easy for people to say No over the phone, but once your there in person, its a new ball game.

    and if someone says that you cant look at them, thats bull... its all public info.

    in fact, when i got that binder, she offered me an empty desk to take a look at them... hows that!?

    good luck


  • jlrealtor10th November, 2003

    Most states require that they be "posted" normally in the family courthouse.

  • venus64310th November, 2003

    buthia...being from MA myself, we have access to "Banker & Tradesman" which lists ALL preforclosures & foreclosure sales. You can subscribe to it online ($89 year membership) or you can check with your local library. This is a wonderful resource for all sorts of RE information. I tried Realtytrac, but found the information I was given was not up to date. B & T is published wkly on Mondays. Good luck! Hope this was helpful.

  • tGiREi10th November, 2003

    Hello everyone! I am also a newbie trying to make my way in . I noticed that briandalegm posted something about Realtytrac. Just to give you guys a heads up I tried that service a while back and it really was not worth the monthly dues. I am not one to bash on anyone but it is my personal opinion that it's not the best place to look for any information since it is oudated and there is an additional charge for the property and trustee information. I would suggest you go down to the County recorders office and ask to see the most recent NOD's that recorded, and like ahabion said it is public record so you ARE allowed to look at them. Hope this helps! [ Edited by tGiREi on Date 11/10/2003 ]

  • InActive_Account13th November, 2003

    From what I've been able to figure out from post here and my own research, guess I need to get a course on this, but the foreclosure process starts with Lis Pendens. This is pre-foreclosure, then the actual forclosure by a judge and a auction date set. I'm in florida btw. Can anything be done between the actual foreclosure and the action? In most cases I've seen here this is about 11/2 to 2 months.

    [ Edited by wpruett on Date 11/13/2003 ][ Edited by wpruett on Date 11/13/2003 ]

  • demonking13th November, 2003

    Courthouse Documents are public record. Just go to the courthouse. If the courthouse has pc's in it to lookup data, just go and ask how to look it up. If it is in book form, ask where the books are and have at it. Usually, when I go in a courthouse, the only question I ask is "Where is your records room" and go from there. If I cant figure it out, THEN I ask for help. If they wont help you at the front, ask to speak with the Registrar / Recorder.

    Most likely the person you were speaking with just didnt want to deal with you. You will get that a lot.

    Anyway, thats my 2 cents.

  • paulabe71313th November, 2003

    I've found these folks to be most helpful, and the $.25 charge for the copies, priceless.

  • jackman13th November, 2003

    $.25 copies! whoa, i'm comin to White Bluff! they're $.50 here in Philly and dare the machine get stuck - guess who's out of luck, chuck! hahaha.

  • cpifer13th November, 2003

    I get my pre-foreclosures through my loss mitigation business. Homeowners behind on their mortgage or property taxes respond to my ads. This gets me first dibs on buying, wholesaling or fliiping the homes of folks who just need to bail out.
    PS: Court records are public records. Snotty govt. employees cannot prevent you from viewing public documents.

  • scsod13th November, 2003

    this is probably really stupid but what is a loss mitigation business?

  • BAMZ13th November, 2003

    Hi scsod,

    I have never really heard a person call their business by that, however it is essentially buying/selling preforeclosures. The loss mitigation part comes in the picture when you are trying to discount a mortgage for a short sale. This is the department at the bank that you would deal with!

    BAMZ[ Edited by BAMZ on Date 11/13/2003 ]

  • buthia20th November, 2003

    I want to thank everybody for all the comments and suggestions they have been giving me. Its sucks to be a beginner but I hope one day I'll able to return the favor and help beginners

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