How Do I Obtain A Home Equity Purchase Agreement?

I'm a long time reader and first time poster. In regards to purchasing pre-foreclosures, the law in California requires specific provisions be included in the purchase contract. Can any member suggest how to obtain one of these Home Equity Sales Contract for the purchase of foreclosures without hiring an attorney for $$ to personally write up a contract?

Thanks in advance to all that respond!


  • ozzie26th April, 2004

    Do you have any contact with a RE There is also a law forms/book store (I do not recall the name) in downtown L:A. or possibly from an RE atty. It is a state specific form where there is a 5 day period before you can buy the property. from--- to--. Hopegu;;y yjos helps, if you have further problems, send another post. I am sure I can come up with better info.

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