How Do I Find Property To Wholesale?

Where do I look?, What do I look for? How do I pay for it?



  • kaceman130th July, 2005


    Wow, there are so many places to look. motivated sellers are everywhere. My favorite places to find properties is to oget a list of note holders and professionals to mail a post card to of call them directly and better yet talk to realtors in my area. You can get a good list is to go to the county courthouse or purchase a good list. Hope this helps.


  • JasonVanOrden1st August, 2005

    Junkers (ugly houses) and vacant properties are good candidates for wholesaling. Rehabbers will buy them from you, sometimes with cash (without having to procure financing).

    Ask agents or other investors in your area what neighborhoods are likely to have a higher concentration of junkers. Then you can either drive the neighborhood, have someone else drive the neighborhood, or do a mailer to the area to get leads.

    I have an example letter that I have sent to vacant homes in the freebies section of the products are on this site. Click Products then Freebies then Marketing.

    Good luck,


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