How Can You Identify A Good Real Estate Investor Website

A web site is a basic necessity of any modern business - including real estate investing. But you must get a web site that serves to make your business easy, profitable and fun to run without being a computer geek. Unless you do some proper home work, you might end up spending a lot of money for a website that does not benefit your real estate investing business.

The following are golden rules you must follow when shopping for a real estate investor web site. A web site is a basic necessity of any modern business - including real estate investing. But you must get a web site that serves to make your business easy, profitable and fun to run without being a computer geek. Unless you do some proper home work, you might end up spending a lot of money for a website that does not benefit your real estate investing business.

The following golden rules apply when you are shopping for a real estate investor web site.

1: Privacy

You must have sole and full control of your real estate investor web site and its content. You must OWN it. If at all you wish, you must be able to host it wherever you want to have full control of your website. If the website company offer hosting, then it must offer full control of the hosting account and the website.

Do not go for companies that sign you up for a free or cheap trial, then followed by a monthly fee to access your website. If the website cannot run outside their server, be careful. In reality they own your web site for a monthly fee.

2) The web site must be database-driven

A good real estate investor web site must save all information into an in-built database so you can have unlimited access to it at any time, and manipulate it any way you want, such as sending email, importing and exporting data, etc.

For example if you target motivated sellers, they must be able to submit all their house information from your real estate investor web site with no limitations.

When you are selling houses prospective buyers must be able to sign up into your buyers list effortlessly.

Whenever someone signs up, you must receive the information by email, and get it logged in the database.

3) It must be interactive

A good website must interact with visitors; this is a basic requirement of any modern website.

This allows you to collect any information from your visitors such as motivated sellers, house buyers, and so on.

Your motivated sellers must not only be able to submit their houses for sale, but must also be able to leave testimonials, a crucial element to profitable real estate investing.

Your real estate investor web site must also be web 2.0 enabled. It must allow interaction via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus etc.

Even if you do not personally use social media, you must allow your website visitors to do so in order for them to share your properties with their friends on social media. This exposes you to a wider audience and more profits. Most real estate investors today use social media.

4) It must be simple, well designed and informative

Obviously your website must look unique. Your website must offer a wide selection of designs which must customizable to suit your needs.

You must be able to fully brand your website including a logo if you need to. If at all possible, you should not have to pay extra to choose any design you want.

Equally important, your visitors do not need to go through a maze on your website to do business with you. A good real estate investor web site must be simple and informative, and allow motivated sellers to submit their information to you, thereby pre-screening and pre-negotiating deals for you.

The website must convert visitors such as pre-educate motivated sellers to see you as the best person to buy their house. It must convince them to submit their information right there instead of making a phone call saving you lots of time.

Likewise when selling houses, the website must present properties in a friendly, easy manner so buyers can quickly tell if the deal works for them or not.

5) It must be optimized for search engines

Motivated sellers must be able to find you on the internet. This also goes for people looking to buy your houses or other prospects that you target. This means that your real estate investor website must be well optimized for search engines.

Targeting your local market on the search engines is especially important if you buy and sell properties in your local market.

6) It must be easy to maintain

You are very unlikely to find real estate investors who are computer geeks. A good real estate investor web site must be easy to run and control. Preferably, it should be controlled from a virtual back office. The front end should not need any maintenance.

7) The web site must be easily adaptable and flexible

One size fits all does not apply to real estate investing. Real estate investing business models are unique, and your website must adapt to meet those needs without major changes.

You must be able to create new pages, create or change content, and forms to collect information on the website.

You must be able to easily make changes to your business model and designs without major changes.

Most real estate investors also have other side businesses, such as being a mortgage broker, credit restoration, Realtors, etc. Your real estate investing web site must allow you the flexibility to do whatever you want with your website.

8) It should offer automation capability

Automation makes running your business easier, and enables efficient marketing.

You must create unlimited follow-up autoresponders with no limitations for your marketing campaigns.

For instance, you can set up a Thank You message to motivated sellers so they receive a message that says something like Thank you for your enquiry. We will get in touch with you within 24 hours or something like that.

Similarly, you should be able to create automated reminders to remind you of any important events on your real estate investing business. Your busy schedule should not get in the way of important follow-ups so crucial to successful real estate investing.

9) It must be loaded with marketing tools

A real estate investing web site is no good if it cannot attract visitors and convert them to closed real estate deals. It must come pre-loaded with tools to attract leads, then convert those leads to prospects and to closed real estate deals.

The following marketing tools must form part of a good real estate investing web site:

i) Video speaking models - you must captures the attention of a website visitor within 20 seconds or you lose them for ever. A video speaking model must capture instant attention, be natural, kind and friendly, and offer a message that appeals to the website visitor. Particularly, it must compel the website visitors to take specific action, such as signing up.

ii) Ebooks - A good real estate investing web site must have informative Ebooks. The Ebooks must be fully personalized with you as the author. In order to get access to the Ebook, the visitors must sign up, providing opportunity for automated follow-up marketing.

iii) Squeeze pages - A squeeze page requests for contact information to gain access to a gift, such as an Ebook. The visitor should be left with no other choice except providing their contact information. Use of video and speaking models is a must for good squeeze pages, and it must offer a variety of squeeze pages to suit different business models.

iv) Follow-up autoresponders - A good website must come with in-built follow-up autoresponders, pre-loaded with marketing messages at carefully pre-timed intervals. This way, your website will take over the role of automated marketing for you.

10) It must be affordable

Unfortunately, most real estate investing products are un-necessarily expensive. Either you are stuck with a big monthly fee or a hefty upfront fee.

The real estate investor web site you choose must not offer these constraints; otherwise it quickly becomes a liability instead of than an asset for your real estate investing business.

It should also be possible to run it from any server you choose if it meets your needs and budget.

11) It must offer free lifetime support and upgrades

When you buy your real estate investors web site, you must get free lifetime support and upgrades.

If a web site charges for everything they do for you, run the other way. A good real estate investing web site must come with free support.

These tips will help you shop for a good real estate investing web site. Even though there are other few minor things we did not cover, if you follow these tips you will be happy with what you get.

To cap it all - your w real estate investing web site must make your business simple and fun to run.

Recommended Real Estate Investor Web Sites

When you get a good real estate investor website, your business acquires a new level of productivity and success. If you are looking for a good real estate investor web site, check . In addition to meeting all the above requirements, they also have numerous designs to choose from and lots of features. Their web sites are constantly upgraded to keep up with changing internet and real estate world. They also offer free support and upgrades for life.. For more information, please check


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