How Beneficial Is Training?

I've been in RE for about a month and a half, just got a contract to sell my first house and am pretty excited about it. I've read a ton of books, went to a few seminars, and have now been exposed to a training course. It costs $7500 for the course that covers a class a week for 8 months, access to MIRIS and other outlets and a nice networking system. It's not just a 5 day take your money boot camp. Has anyone gone to a long training like these, and do you think it is worth it? I am seriously considering going full time into RE and think it would be a valuable investment tool, but am a bit scared because I haven't met anyone who has gone through an extensive training. Any imput?


  • pejames11th February, 2004

    Hello smallinvestments,
    That is no small investment! You are still new here, I would suggest reading some more in the forums and after you ahve gone crosseyed from reading here, read some more. That is a significant amount of money. You can get some pretty intense help right here, and not spend a fraction of the cash!! Hold onto what you have and use it to do another deal This site is loaded with info and help. I would weigh the options and go from there. Ultimately, only you can determine what is the best course of action for you, but I would be warry of that kind of expenditure. Good luck and dont be afraid to ask questions after you have done your research!!

  • shikely11th February, 2004

    I concur with Pejames especailly if you are new. Look towards educating yourself but I believe there are less expensive options.

  • smallinvestments12th February, 2004

    Thanks...sounds like good advice....I will use my resources as much as possible...I just want to absorb as much info as possible. Thanks a lot.

  • rjs935212th February, 2004

    $7500 can buy alot of books at Barnes and Noble. Or it can buy you that course you are speaking of. Maybe a good solution is something in between. Pick up a couple books at Barnes and Noble and keep reading on the message boards here. Ask alot of questions, most of the time you can get good answers. Start out slow would be my advice. Don't try to rush things, you'll only get confused and frustrated. Just like anything that's rewarding....good things take time. Best of luck to ya. Oh yeah, there are plenty of good programs out there, just make sure you do your homework before purchasing one.

    Ryan J. Schnabel

  • smallinvestments13th February, 2004 to the book store

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