How About An Article Review Comittee

Joel and the Moderators,

First of all, you have a great site. My dad (a realtor) said there was no money in real estate but your website really changed my mind.

I have read a ton of your site and even posted a few times. A lot of the articles are very poorly written and some are even questions that belong in the forums. Some "articles" are only a paragraph long and makes me wonder if the author wrote the article solely to promote their product. My suggestion is to get 4-6 people who would be willing to rate whether an article is post worthy or not depending on content, length and accuracy. They would also make sure it is grammatically (or at least close) correct. If they thought it was good, they would post it; if not, they would let the author know why.

I have probably read about 40-50% of the articles as I am wanting to gain as much knowledge as possible. I would guess that 20% of the articles were not articles (instead, they were questions, badly disguised advertisements, etc.) and another 10-15 provided no good information. Someone who is new to your site may get discouraged after reading a few bad ones and miss the really terrific articles on your site.

Again, thanks for the great site.

Best Regards,

Joe Crane 8-) [ Edited by joecrane on Date 04/02/2004 ]


  • joel5th April, 2004

    We wouldn't mind it, however, people do want to contribute.

    We are not paying people for their articles, they are just articles that people have submited. We try to proof read them for grammatical mistakes, but sometimes they do slip through.

    We haven't really allowed forum questions in as articles for the longest time, so I don't really know what your talking about there.

    If you don't like an article, don't vote for it. If you like one, vote for it.

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