How About A State Specific Forum?

maybe allowing for Q&A threads for a given state and or states as so many state laws differ from the others, which could help weed out any "diluted" advice being offered when it really does/doesnt pertain to that state.........

Just a thought, only been here a few days, for all I know you already have it somewhere here on the forums and I havent seen it yet.... cool grin


  • omega118th February, 2004

    m_anderson_101, I suggest you keep reading and learning new stuff and in time you'll find out that this system works just fine.

  • davehays18th February, 2004

    omega, I strongly disagree with you, and think the idea suggested makes a LOT of sense.

    All the gurus, forms, ideas, techniques etc. do NOT work the same in every state. REI is very state specific, and I would second this motion to create state specific forums, or some way to build a knowledgebase for each state.

    There's an investor on here that believes land trusts are legal in every state, including my own in MA, and it is just not true at all. Nominee trusts have to be used here, but if I was so new that I just blindly believed this person, I'd be setting up illegal entities that could land me in a lot of trouble.

    Great idea for the state specific!!!!!!!!! - Dave Hayes

  • DaveT18th February, 2004

    What would make sense is for each member to include their city and state in their user profile. It would be a lot easier to address state specific issues if we knew what state you are in.

  • m_anderson_10119th February, 2004

    I just thought it would be nice to get advice from my local piers.....
    I havent seen to many post from wisconsin residents.(none technically)
    I thought this might help people get in touch with people who know EXACTLY what is needed or expected in my state.
    I am a loan officer for a mortgage company, but my knowledge is exclusivley wholesale marketplace, and I am somewhat of a "one trick pony" having only done refinances as the bulk of my experience.( a small handful of purchase loans and one bridge loan.)

    Maybe just regional forums would be more appropriate?

    I am just finding that much of the advice I have read is not viable in my state......

  • Dreamin19th February, 2004

    I'm for a state forum but I hate to ask the guys/gals that create and work the site to do more work..........
    I too often just need advise or advise people in our state becuase our RE laws and deals that can or can not be done here are very regulated and controlled. There are many ways our hands are tied compared to other states. Also we are one of a very very few non-disclousure states and that also creates problems and more legwork to get a deal done.
    Also it would be interesting to be able to research a place/state where you want to invest and get to know the area by posts specifically for the state before jumping or making the investment.
    but that is just my 2 cents.

  • lauralee19th February, 2004

    I like the idea. I had also wondered if it is feasible to search the profiles of all members to find more in your area? Is this already possible? I know that many people would tell me to join a local REI club to meet other investors, but for now that's not an option for me. I just want to add that this is a great site and say thanks to everyone who helps all of us "newbies". Thanks!

  • mhvhomebyr19th February, 2004

    I think the idea to have a state forum is good too, however I also would hate to ask for more than we are already getting from this forum.
    I second DaveT's append that it would be hlpful for all to have thier profile filled out with the state. Sometimes I read something and wonder if it pertains to my area but can't tell either where the appender is from or the person answering is from.
    I would also give kudos to those who are responsible for this site. This is the absolute best palce to come for all info regarding REI.

  • HouseBuyerGuy19th February, 2004

    Thats not a bad idea!
    I'd be willing to even pay more for the membership!

  • m_anderson_10119th February, 2004

    Dave: True it would not be easier....unless you are from my state. Hence the forum I suggest. If there were a Wisconsin based forum, i would have almost all WI residents asking and answering questions. Which means that I dont have to go back double, triple check on these things.

    If you are from the state i am referencing I would no longer see as many answers ending with "check your loacal Blah Blah to see if this is tru/correct in your state as laws vary state to state, hope this helps".
    When in fact it does not help. TX based answers dont do anyone outside of texas any good for the most part if legal questions or very specific info regarding your state is needed.
    I would LOVE to have a forum that had answers from other Wisconsin residents who are REI's. My comfort level with the answers would also go up a bit knowing they are a bit more infromed as to how things work around " *insert your state here* "
    Moderation of 50 new forums may prove time consuming, but as far as seting up the forums........I cant imagine its more than a few keystrokes and mouse clicks to add new user forum options such as all the states listed in one "folder". Then click on "your state".
    all "your state" forum users have a forum to discuss RE in your state and maybe even your county and or city.(ya never know its a small world)

  • cpifer19th February, 2004

    Are you guys forgetting about the groups?

    They are very much geographically oriented. What more do ya really need?


  • joel19th February, 2004

    The problem with putting more and more forums up is that, you have problems with getting your questions answered.

    People go to forums where there is a lot of activity, if there isn't any activity, then people don't use it, thus people don't go to the board.

    Trust me, we have it the best way currently.

  • InActive_Account19th February, 2004


    I trust you . You have a dynamitte site. 50 forums?

    A REI got to do some of the research. I doesn't hurt to talk to the locals on a one on one basis.

  • pointafter25th February, 2004

    On 2004-02-19 10:29, lauralee wrote:
    I like the idea. I had also wondered if it is feasible to search the profiles of all members to find more in your area? Is this already possible

    There is a way to search by state. If you click the link in the upper right corner stating how many members are online different search options come up. The only trouble I've had with it is even inactive members come up in your search, but it's definitely useable.

  • jonna_nixon25th February, 2004

    On 2004-02-18 21:56, omega1 wrote:
    m_anderson_101, I suggest you keep reading and learning new stuff and in time you'll find out that this system works just fine.

    Omega1....I must disagree. In another forum you talked about redemptions being 6 months long in Texas for bank foreclosures. The truth is...there is no redemption law in Texas except on Tax Foreclosures.

    So it would help if people were giving out the right advice for a specific area.

  • jonna_nixon26th February, 2004


    I don't expect this site to be perfect and have all the info. I'm just meaning to suggest that unless someone is positive on specific advice...such as state specifics...don't comment or give advice. That's all!

  • tahuti26th February, 2004

    I actually visited this forum to suggest a state specific section.

    I would like to see it more for networking. I think a section of the site dedicated for investors to share referrals, opinions on the market, etc... would be great.

    There seems to be a thin line between networking and soliciting. Having a networking section would seperate those type of posts from the informational ones.

  • sbc3rd April, 2004

    A request I was thinking about falls along the same lines as a state-specific forum. I was thinking of a General/Demographic forum where people could ask questions about a particular states laws', trends, local vendors and businesses, and other basic questions related to a location buy not specficially a REI style.

    In my plans to relocate, I've often wanted to ask questions about an area but did not know what forum truly fit it.

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