house sold for 350.00 How??

I have lived in my home for ten years I admit that the title information is questionable considering all of the owners are dead, I was paying rent to a gentlemean but I haven't heard from him in six years so i started paying the deliquient taxes because the bills kept coming in. the problem is I have paid all of the taxes that were due on the property except one and now i have been served with a quiet title and the guy is looking to foreclose based on a 350 dollar tax payment he made. when i called my county tax office, everyone seems to know who this guy is but tells me that the house is his now. Is that possible? How do I stop the action? Also is there anyway for title to vest to me? In my state they tell me it's fifteen years. confused


  • alarson26th May, 2003

    Boy, that is a tough one! I hope someone can help you here... you've come to the right place - if anyone can answer that, I'm sure someone here can.

    My thoughts (and that's all they are - thoughts, because I have no idea!) would be that your best bet would be to find the owner (whoever is in title - you'd have to find out - hopefully it is the person you've paid rent to) and get a quitclaim deed from them. I realize this might be tough but it's not impossible, and it's definitely worth the investment of a couple hundred bucks if that's what it takes. Otherwise you're probably going to lose the place! You have to get that chain of title cleared up and get yourself in there. Quiet title actions are expensive, so this guy probably knows what he's doing and is willing to put the $$ into taking the house over. Don't mess with it - get help! Either an attorney or a person-locator, once you determine who the actual present owner is.

    Good luck to you - let us know how it turns out!

  • 26th May, 2003

    There are a couple of different options you have:

    First, if the time requirement for "adverse possession" in your state is 15 years (which is what I think you were referring to in your post), then you need to clear up the delinquent tax situation first.

    It was not clear from your post, but is the person that has started the quiet title action the person on title or is it the person that has bought a delinquent tax lien certificate? If the latter, and there has not been a tax sale yet, you can bring the taxes current and that would automatically stop the quiet title action. If the tax sale has already occurred, then if your state allows a "right of redemption" for tenants, you might be able to redeem the certificate buy paying off the tax lien holder. If he will only accept it from the owner, you might be able to argue that you are acting for the owner as the tenant in interest, or alternatively, exercising your equitable rights in the property as a tenant in possession and as an adverse possessor.

    If you are successful and and continue paying the real estate taxes (and not pay the owner any longer), you might be able to acquire the property by adverse possession. However, my recommendation would be to try and contact the owner or the owner's next of kin to buy the property and get a deed.

    Good luck,


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