House In Foreclosure

My husband and I bought a house last March, and i found out in June that he never made a payment. The loan is in both our names. We are in the process of getting a divorce. The loan was approved with his income and my credit. I need to get my name off of the house. I tried to sell it, both i found out he has 3 judgments against him.

I tried to do a deed in lieu of foreclosure with the mortgage company, but they are not agreeable with that.

Any advise on what i can do? I need help quick!!


  • Shirley28th November, 2004

    What state are you in?

  • donnasc200429th November, 2004

    I am in South Carolina

  • mcole29th November, 2004

    Greetings Donna,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your dilemma. I’ve been through it before, and it’s no fun.

    Depending on the details of your situation, there may be something you can do. But there are a lot of questions that need to be answered before you can know what your options really are.

    How much is your house worth? How much do you owe on it? How much are the liens? What are the liens for? How much in default you are? Does your house need repairs? What are rentals going for in your area? Etc., etc. But maybe a bigger question is -- will your husband be cooperative and work with you?

    There are some foreclosure gurus on this site. So hopefully you’ll get some good suggestions from them. If not, I’d be happy to talk with you and try to give you a few ideas that I’ve used in similar situations. I don’t know how much help I would be, but I don’t mind trying.

    Feel free to go to my profile and send me a private message or email.

    Good luck!


  • donnasc200429th November, 2004

    The house was bought for $248,000. It was appraised at $275,000. The amount of judgments against my soon to be ex is close to $30,000. I haven't been able to sell it because of those judgments. The house is in great condition. The house was bought March 2004, and he never made the first payment. He skipped town and moved to Florida. So the May , June, July, August, September, October & November payments are due. He is somewhat cooperative in dealing with this situation. He told me that he would take the responsibility of the mess with the mortgage company if they would agree to take my name off the loan. I haven't tried talking with the mortgage company again to see if they will do this. I just need advice on how to protect myself over something he did.

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