Homes Per Acre?

How many homes can you fit on an 11 acre site? Is there a general rule of thumb based on size and price for quickly evaluating a site. The reason I ask is there is an 11 acre site where I grew up in a growing part of town over looking a golf course.


  • woodsong20th February, 2006

    Um, it depends on product type. Are you talking detached or attached? Condos or town homes?

    If detached, about 6 to the acre is about the highest density you can effectively get and that is tight...4-5 units/acre is more practical.

    Town homes...10-12 per acre is about the max.

    Condos...a whole bunch depending no the height limitations of the zoning.

    Keep in mind though there is more to site planning than cramming the maximum number of units on a site. You have to take into account what style/density of housing the market desires in that area, as well as providing adequate greenspace, etc. to give the community a good feel.

  • lilmanmason20th February, 2006

    I too am in the same boat. and am awaiting any sueggestions on this, and any estimates on engineering costs as well

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