Homeowner's Loss-Prevention kit?

[ Edited by man on Date 08/24/2003 ]


  • DerrickAli27th April, 2003

    You Betcha M'Man!

    The HLP kit as I call it has several items in it that a Homeowner facing foreclosure can use.

    Examples of what I include is:

    First my cover letter to the owner

    Secondly I insert helpful articles and even a phone lists of resources a homeowner facing PFL may need.

    I NETWORK with Mortgage Brokers whom specialize in bailing out foreclosures and Bankruptcies also I 'Tailor' my HLP kit exclusively for them.

    I do the same thing with RE Agents (This has been a GREAT TOOL for developing referrals/leads).

    I get quite a few phone calls from PFL owners that I've left HLP Kits at their DOOR STEPS. (2 out of 10)

    I Door-Knock on addresses within my 'farm area' that I don't have a phone listed.
    (I check both the Internet and Print White Pages and list the No phones onto my travel list)

    I knock on the door, give my 40 second spiel, then hand the PFL owner an HLP Kit then quickly leave...

    This move floors them as to "why I don't attempt to SELL them on giving ME their home unLIKE all the Other Door-Knocking Competition out there.

    And if there is NO ANSWER at the door... I leave the kit behind on the door step.

    The kit looks official and is the size of a FedEx or Overnite Envelope.
    The Sticker on it has: Homeowners Loss-Prevention Help inside: "What to Do Before Your Lender Attempts to Sell Your Home?"

    It's NOT JUST FOR Foreclosures and PFLs, I give these kits out:

    - While making my weekly rounds to RE Agents and Mortgage Broker Ofc. visits.

    - As FREE Closing Gifts for the REAs and Mtg Brokers to give to the New Owner/Borrower.

    Remember: I tailor the HLP Kit to include the Phone list of Professional Resources for my selected 'Farm Area'

    The Pros on the particular 'Farm Area's referral list get an exclusive on that territory so that...
    The PFL Owner will ONLY see one Legal, RE, and Loan Professional's whose insert enclosed.

    meeting with these professionals and explaining the VALUE of our co-Mktg. has TWO-FOLD BENEFITS for ME as an REI:

    A.) Introduction to Pros in my Area

    B.) Positioning as not only an REI Pro but also as a PEER


    C.) PROFITABLE Time-Saving Deal-Generating Cross-REFERRAL LEADS that COME DIRECTLY to ME before ANYONE ELSE!!!

    Get it???

    I sell and electronic report on How to Marke using an HLP Kit" ...with a license agreement to reprint my copyrighted letters to be enclosed. (available soon on TCI)

    It easy enough to do on you own for FREE, simply put together YOUR OWN Kit for less than a $1.00 each by swiping a few FedEx Envelopes or US Postal Overnights.

    As your Profits grow invest in some custom printed 'fake' overnight-envelopes.

    Either way keep us informed on your progress using this technique!

    Best of Everything to You!

    Derrick Ali [ Edited by DerrickAli on Date 04/27/2003 ]

  • man27th April, 2003

    I am interested in purchasing your electronic guide for using this kit. Can you please email me with more info? Thanks! Oh yeah, my email address is mkoko(at)pacbell.net

  • jfmlv195027th April, 2003

    On 2003-04-27 15:23, DerrickAli wrote:

    It easy enough to do on you own for FREE, simply put together YOUR OWN Kit for less than a $1.00 each by swiping a few FedEx Envelopes or US Postal Overnights.

    As your Profits grow invest in some custom printed 'fake' overnight-envelopes.

    I AM ABSOLUTELY AMAZED you are telling these people to commit a FEDERAL OFFENSE.

    I have in front of me a USPS Overnight Envelope exactly as you describe to use in your idea.

    It states on the envelope and I quote:
    "This packaging is the property of the U.S. Postal service and is provided solely for the use in sending Express Mail. Misuse may be a violation of Federal Law.”

    I would consider this a misuse if I did as you prescribe and therefore a violation of Federal Law.

    John (LV)

  • cjs11127th April, 2003

    i dont think he's suggesting anyone commit a FEDERAL OFFENSE.

    There are companies that sell "EXpress Mail" kits. THe look like important expess type envelopes. The key is they get people to open the package.

  • cjs11127th April, 2003


    Do you have any of the contents of this HLP package available to look at and/or for sale.

    Just curious as to what content is in it.

    much thanks

  • jfmlv195027th April, 2003

    I checked with my Thesaurus on Microsoft Word, putting in the word “swiping” quoted from the post by Derrick Ali and this is what it came up with: “steal, take, rob, pilfer, make off with, walk off with, filch, run off with, lift , cop, snatch”.

    Those synonyms tell me it is a violation of Federal Law if you do any of those things against an entity of the U.S. Government, such as the U. S. Post Service.

    John (LV)

  • DerrickAli28th April, 2003

    AND Those Postal Inspectors DON'T Play...

    So AVOID the Federal Pen and order some custom envelopes b4 going out to make cheap HLP Kits Guys & Gals!


    Thanks for the Heads up John...
    BTW I witnessed a shootout between US PIs and some unlucky dude back in Chicago in the 80's...I knew he must've been SORRY for whatever he did...probably an Overnite Envelope THEEF I bet!!! Hahahaha!



  • blessed1330th April, 2003

    Dereck: How can I buy this kit? My email address is blessed13@neo.rr.com. Thanks!

  • blessed131st May, 2003

    Dereck: How can I buy this kit? My email address is blessed13@neo.rr.com. Thanks!

  • SanDiegoMan1st May, 2003

    Hello-- Can you email me info on getting your foreclosure pack. Please email to mrkentclark@hotmail.com. Thanks...

  • DerrickAli5th May, 2003

    Man and SD Man: I sent you both the HLP Kit promo.

    Blessed13 your Email Address BOUNCES back each time I try to send it???

    Let me know your thoughts guys!

    Best of the Best to you all!


  • man5th May, 2003

    So far things look good Derrick. I got my shipment of 200 official envelopes today! FedEx sure is fast. I'd like to get started distributing these ASAP. I'm not sure if you got my email, but contact me when you get the chance. Thanks!

  • CAInvestor6th May, 2003

    I would also like a copy of your pre-foreclosure package. You can send it to me at Joewill@prodigy.net

    THx, Joe

  • eliteprops6th May, 2003


    Who did you go thru to get your envelope. if you dont mind me asking

    Best Regards,

  • cjfeath6th May, 2003

    Hey D can you send me that pack as well... My email address is CJFeath@aol.com


  • man6th May, 2003

    On 2003-05-06 12:26, eliteprops wrote:

    Who did you go thru to get your envelope. if you dont mind me asking

    Best Regards,


    I ordered through my account on FedEx.com. I ordered a box of 200. I suggest you get 200 also, don't get any more. The box they come in practicly broke my back trying to lift it

    I'm visiting a potential deal today, so I'm busy at the moment, but will start using the HLP's early next week. Post cards will have to do for this week (the lead I'm working on now came from a postcard). Wish me luck

  • serrico6th May, 2003

    Could you please email me a copy of your kit. THANKS!!!



  • LynLinz6th May, 2003


    Iwant to join too! Can you email me a packet??
    What is your charge?


  • pbodys6th May, 2003

    Hey Derrick,

    I'd like a copy of that promo also. my e-mail is

    Thanks a bunch

  • sewa6th May, 2003

    your package sounds interesting. can you send me the info on it...declive@hotmail.com. thanks, sewa.

  • ImajProp7th May, 2003

    Hi Derrick,

    Can I please get you to send your info to trow@verizon.net


  • RENIE7th May, 2003

    Hello Derrick,

    Please send info on your packet to Irene.Luna@ht.msu.edu Have a great day.


  • RENIE7th May, 2003

    Hello Derrick,

    Please send info on your packet to Irene.Luna@ht.msu.edu Have a great day.


  • Terilyn7th May, 2003

    Could you please email me info on your packet as well. Thank you

  • dacrumom7th May, 2003


    Could you either email me your kit or email me a phone number where I can call you personally? I just got a call from a pre-foreclosure client and I need to know how to handle this one. I've never done this type of deal before. Don't know where to start. Email: lyndadease@hotmail.com



  • InActive_Account7th May, 2003

    I've been just reading messages for a while and have enjoyed all the information. Derrick could you send me a copy of your HLP kit. My e-mail is
    ant2794@excite.com thanks.

  • 7th May, 2003

    Please send me the info on the kit.


  • Rommel7th May, 2003

    Derrick could you send me a copy of your HLP kit?

    My e-mail is

    Let me know if you charge or take donations!

    Thanks So Very Much!!!

  • KP8th May, 2003

    I second that one where do I send you some money for all these kits your sending out. Send one to me with an amount to send back to you and I'll gladly pay what you ask. eiremclaughlin@comcast.net (sorry I haven't figured out how to link my address directly)

    Great Luck,

    PS I hope you make millions with this idea it's a great one.

  • tjm5289th May, 2003

    I would be very thankful if anyone can send me the help kit information that you all recievedtjm528@aol.com

  • agabovich10th May, 2003

    Hi, Derrick Ali. Could you please send one kit to agabovich@yahoo.com

    Thank you very much,


  • COInvestor10th May, 2003

    Great marketing ideal!

    Please email me information.



  • investorkim30th July, 2003

    As with everyone else, please email me your list to **Please See My Profile**
    I just joined the site yesterday and i want to commend you not only on being helpful, but also a big pat on the back for taking that small verbal beat-down like man....you just made it right and made a laugh at the same time!
    it must be powerful to not worry about sharing your secrets!!!!!!!

  • GSmith30th July, 2003

    I allso would like information on your kit

    hunolds @ Netzero . com
    <!-- BBcode auto-mailto start -->**Please See My Profile**<!-- BBCode auto-mailto end -->[ Edited by GSmith on Date 07/30/2003 ]

  • ndister30th July, 2003


    Would it be possible for you to email the info to me as well? Thanks!

    **Please See My Profile**


  • nfin0131st July, 2003

    Hi Derrick,

    Could you also send me a copy? I greatly appreciate it. My e-mail is: **Please See My Profile**

    i owe you one.


  • DerrickAli31st July, 2003


    To Receive FREE Tips for putting together your own HLP Kits ...

    Please feel free to visit the Internet Marketing area for New-RE Investor's at:

    <!-- BBCode auto-link start 1 --><a href="http://www.realestateinvestingetc.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=29&post_id=45&order=0&viewmode=thread&pid=0&forum=7#45 ">Http://http://www.realestateinvestingetc.com</a><!-- BBCode auto-link end -->

    NFIN01: I sent you a private Message for details on getting started with you HLP Mktg to Pre-foreclosures.

    Best of Success!

    Derrick Ali [ Edited by DerrickAli on Date 12/10/2003 ]

  • AllCash4Property11th August, 2003

    I'm also interested in your package, please email me at AllCash4Property @ AOL DotCom... Thanks

  • HowardMac15th August, 2003


    I would also like a copy of your
    preforeclosure package. You can send it
    to: **Please See My Profile**

    Thanks again

  • pck15th August, 2003

    Hi Derrick
    I would also like a copy of your pre-foreclosure package. You can send it to me at **Please See My Profile**

    Thanks a lot!

  • alarson16th August, 2003

    Sorry to be crabby, but have any of you people heard of private messaging, so we don't have to page through pages of people's email addresses instead of real responses to this post? PLEASE use your PM when trying to reach just one other TCI member... it keeps things so much cleaner

  • rbw417th August, 2003

    Derrrick, can i get on that list to?.....could you also send me what you sent the other "beggin" guys and gals here?.....(just teasing guys, don't jump out your pants at me.....see, i'm "beggin" too...lol)....my email addy is **Please See My Profile** in advance......

    p.s.....gonna tip tonight and try to return all these POSTAL ENVELOPES you suggested i "swipe"....lol...(Just teasing again guys.....geeeeezeee)

  • domingo19th August, 2003

    Derrick. Can you send me a copy of your Homeowners Loss Prevention kit. Ive also put together something like that and im curious to see what you use and how you've put yours together.
    Thanks, Dee
    **Please See My Profile**[ Edited by domingo on Date 08/19/2003 ]

  • domingo19th August, 2003

    Derrick. Can you send me a copy of your Homeowners Loss Prevention kit. Ive also put together something like that and im curious to see what you use and how you've put yours together.
    Thanks, Dee
    **Please See My Profile**

  • DCHawk24th August, 2003


    Could please e-mail me a copy of your HLP Kit as well. **Please See My Profile**

    The advise you provide on this site is outstanding.



  • doronmw8th September, 2003


    I went to the site you posted but it was a dead-end. Could you please send me a copy of your package? Thanks

    **Please See My Profile**

  • DerrickAli8th September, 2003


    That link should be:


    for the Article I wrote titled - "The 5 SECRETS Lenders WON'T Tell Homeowners Facing Foreclosure!"

    I hope it helps!

    Derrick Ali [ Edited by DerrickAli on Date 12/10/2003 ]

  • rayh788th September, 2003

    I would also like a copy of your pre-foreclosure package. You can send it to me at
    **Please See My Profile**

  • DerrickAli8th September, 2003


    You DON'T Have an email nor Private Mail feature on your profile---send me your info via Pvt Mail to get OK?

    You can also SKIP this Request for the HLP Kit by going DIRECTLY to my homepage to recive it with an informational pkg on becoming a CMLA (Consumer Mortgage Loan Advocate) /Member for FREE!!

    Go to:

    I hope this helps!

    Derrick Ali

  • GetRafa10th September, 2003

    Can I get a copy of what you send in those packages as well? click my info button for my email, please.

  • Gonzo14th September, 2003


    I'm also interested in your HLP info.

    **Please See My Profile**


  • gstevens15th September, 2003

    well, I guess you can add me to that request list Derrick! **Please See My Profile**


  • classicservice15th September, 2003

    Hi Derrick
    Please send me a copy of you kit. **Please See My Profile**

  • patricc6815th September, 2003

    hey big D, send my way if you have time as well....i cant wait...hope you make millions...

  • PRAMATMA21st September, 2003

    Would you please send me apre-forecloesure package copy.
    My email is **Please See My Profile** Thanks

  • PRAMATMA21st September, 2003

    Would you please send me apre-forecloesure package copy.
    My email is **Please See My Profile** Thanks

  • benny22221st September, 2003


    Can you also email me a copy please. My email is in my profile. Thanks in advance.


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