Home Inspector License

I am wondering if a home inspector license and training would give me adequate knowledge to start rehab projects? I am in california and licensing for home inspection fetches around $300 plus per inspection. but I am looking at this more of a learning project, than a business.


  • InActive_Account30th April, 2004


    A home inspector is trained to look at the different components of a house and give their opinion as to there condition or if the finished product has been done correctly, not necessarily how the product arrived at that condition.

    I have met a few home inspectors who could run circles around some builders, so I dont want to generalize.

    If your goal is so that you can do your own inspections, go for it, I think the training could only help you.

    If your goal is to do your own rehabs by yourself without any other exsperience in the building trades (obviously an assumption) I feel this training is inadequate without further exsperience.

    Just my 2 cents

    Best of Luck

  • sophiebear2nd May, 2004

    I agree with john. but to add to that, firefighters are almost always qualified to be home inspectors even the volunteers in the small towns. Its just part of there schooling anyway even though they dont want to be full-time home inspectors that charge $300. So ask a fireman if he would be willing to do an inspection for $50.

  • kentek2nd May, 2004

    I'm just getting into this but it has been my understanding, well at least up here in Canada, that there is no special qualifications to be a home inspector. All that you need is a general knowledge of what your looking for in a house such as good and bad, faulty or quality, heck common sense and a little understanding will cover that. Anyways you could do the training program and get your ticket (license) and charge for such services but it's based on your professional opinion and that will always be at stake. A professional builder if you know one who is your friend is just as qualified to inspect a home and give you their opinion. A contractor would be more willing to tell you if something is worth excepting if it's easy enough to repair or replace. I think foremost on top of all the opinions and professional input from any source in the end you have to trust your own instinct and knowledge or experience. In the end you are your own customer and the only person who will be disappointed or satisfied is you. But hey another ticket on the wall will do your reputation allot of good, go for it.

    The more certificates on the wall the better.

  • NC_Yank2nd May, 2004

    On 2004-04-30 10:58, gambler56 wrote:
    I am wondering if a home inspector license and training would give me adequate knowledge to start rehab projects? I am in california and licensing for home inspection fetches around $300 plus per inspection. but I am looking at this more of a learning project, than a business.

    Simple answer to your question.......No.
    A home inspection license will not give you adequate knowledge in rehabbing.

    A Home Inspectors knowledge should not be confused with the knowledge that a Contractor has, they are two different animals.

    Nor should one confuse the term Home Inspector with Building Inspector, again two different animals.

    Home Inspectors are doing "safety" checks for lack of a better word. The inspections are mostly limited to visual inspections and should not be construed as anything more.

    Do not assume that a Home Inspector is an expert in the building trade, many are not.........nor should you assume all Contractors are experts in the trades they supervise / manage.

    If you want to obtain knowledge at rehabbing then get up with a contractor that specializes in rehab.

    In regards to one post suggesting getting a fireman to inspect a home for $50.00............ this is not very wise to say the least.

    If a person feels that $300.00 is to much to pay for a professional inspection......then they should not be in the business of REI. REI is filled with cheap skates and slum lords........both think a like.

    I am both a licensed Home Inspector as well as a licensed General Contractor.

    The fee I charge for inspections is very small in comparison to the liability I am taking on by doing an inspection. Matter of fact there is more liability in inspecting a house versus building one.

    I won't even go into the high cost of E & O Insurance of a home inspection business...........


    [ Edited by NC_Yank on Date 05/02/2004 ]

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