Home Buyer Workshops?

Can investors sponsor home buyer workshops for leads w/o getting in trouble. Free workshps for the community?


  • LasVegasRichy22nd April, 2010

    Yes and thats a great marketing idea. I will do this in Las Vegas soon. Sometimes I have acess to 50 or more homes and this wovld be a great way to move multiple homes in 1 day. Best of luck. Keep me informed of your results..

  • cjmazur23rd April, 2010

    what you say is very important.

    If you do credit modification. loan modification, evevn buy they deals that are procented, you might be introuble. (at least in CA).

  • savana1st June, 2011

    Home buyers workshop will definitely show an easy way of making deals and investments so that later at time they will not find any problem either.

  • evolutionkev31st May, 2011

    Do you want to make your own website or do you want a recommendation for a website for you to use?

  • savana1st June, 2011

    Yes, there are some websites that are trusted and it is-


    etc. These are some very good resources that you can try.

  • ITBInvestor15th January, 2010

    The process mustbuytosell describes sounds similar to the process a lot of lenders use to jettison OREO property, except that the "highest bid" price is not disclosed. In the typical "multiple offer" process, all offers are rejected and the offer submitters are asked to submit a "best and final" offer (BAFO.) The seller (typically a bank OREO department) then accepts one of the offers. The last BAFO I submitted was 37% over the list price, $5K earnest money, no financing or inspection contingency, and 7 day close. 7 offers initially, and I assume 7 BAFO offers. Unfortunately, we did not get the deal.

  • bargain7615th January, 2010

    In Florida, you do NOT need any licensing or State approval to auction your own property, however you conduct the auction.

  • mustbuytosell16th January, 2010

    Thanks everyone for the help/info. This info combined with the post about the FHA 90 day seasoning requirement being suspended for 1 year is GREAT news.

  • mustbuytosell19th January, 2010

    Thanks, I would like to try this at some point after building a buyers list.

  • savana1st June, 2011

    I dont know whether it will be legal or not but, I would really like to know everything about this. It is better understanding resources that are trusted and then choosing it for further transaction.

  • cjmazur14th August, 2008

    The issue I have ran into w/ Internet is CAN/SPAM laws.

  • ITBInvestor20th August, 2008

    thelemur, can you comment on your experience with using adwords for a local geographic area? I currently use CL and other local sites, but am considering an adwords campaign in my area (within 30-40 mile radius) and wonder how successful adwords is for regional and local targeting. Any insight appreciated.

  • MarketingMan24th August, 2008

    I do post cards and greeting cards for mailing. My list is absentee and owner occupied that have owned there home for 15 years or longer. I mail about 1600 per month the same list gets mailed every 3 months and will get about 20-30 calls. I will take down a real good deal from that mailing.

    Follow up mailing (the sellers I spoke to) gets the greeting cards every month.

    Internet leads:
    Just craigslist.


  • Stockpro9915th July, 2009

    The real number to count is how many leads are qualified and are ones that you can make money from?

    3 leads a day that are unmotivated and outside of your area are like minnow around a fishing line. Lots of excitement but nothing you want to catch.

    We have a .25% return on mailers but it is enough to make it worth while..

  • charlotteinvestor26th July, 2009

    Plus do still spend 450 per month on your internet marketing budget.

  • qamaruddin1st August, 2009

    Postcards are a very good way to market....but more important is the quality of your list....I believe in to the point context and no BS. Postcard mania in clearwater florida is a good company BUT most important is compilation of your LIST.

  • fecreia3rd December, 2009


    I do use internet marketing in a big way. It got more leads.


  • maverickstar3rd December, 2009

    I am using post cards and newsletters. My response is 1 of 100 post cards sent out or newsletters sent out. I send out to out of state investors or investors who have held onto their properties for awhile.

    I like to tell them how their property is looking since they are not here to view it.

    Next year I will go more internet.

  • nrsworks11th February, 2010

    Postcards get lost with all the mail and the home owner gets tons of postcards when in the NOD stage.

    How to lead gen like a pro.

    1.0 one website for your sellers, RTO, etc...
    Use the long form for quality leads.

    2.0 one site for buyers, investors, agents, etc...
    this is to list your deals, inventory.

    Note: the sites give you instant cred!! Plus give all the info needed to your clients/market.

    3.0 A follow up system 888#, autoresponder for your email drip campaigns.

    4.0 Run your ads online and small offline papers in your market.

    Note: I run a $90.00 for one week them pull for one week then run again the next week and so on.
    So I might get only 9 calls, but they are quality leads that are jumping through my hoops/lead gen system.
    Out of 9 calls I get one bread and butter deal and/or a wholesale/RTO/marketing deal out of it. Killer ROI!!!!!!!

    5.0 Also use bandit signs in my local area. Put up on the weekends, pull down during the week to aviod the sign police!

    6.0 Also use squeeze pages to build my lists of buyers, investors, etc......

    You should have at least 3 to 5 types of marketing going on at all times. This is a lead gen business. NO LEADS no BIZ.

    Please excuse the typos and any miss speeeellleeedd words. It is late and this is free info on what I do to run my Biz.

    Hope that helps!!!!

    P.S.S. If any body needs anything just email me or call.

  • LaurexGroup2nd March, 2010

    I do a lot of email marketing. I use constant contact which follows can spam laws. Its easy and convenient for clients to receive them or unsubscribe. By the way, everyone would benefit from getting out from behind the computer and start networking. I have a large network of businesses and individuals I market and email. I do not email anyone unless they have provided me their information by contacting me directly, me asking for their contact information or they are a business in which case their contact information is public knowledge. This assures they are aware they will be solicited at some point. But you have to have integrity in this. Never provide your contacts to others. The only exception to this rule, is if you are referring a contact to someone you know and respect and you have alerted the contact of this referral. Good luck!

  • mark98713th April, 2010

    use both..both have their advantages..and whether its postcards or internet marketing, how you present it is what is important..make what you are sending them more personalized..and get a professionals assistance on it..and you will do fine..

  • mustbuytosell8th January, 2010

    The only thing that comes to mind is an independent contractor agreement

  • ITBInvestor9th January, 2010

    A "contract" can be implicit or explicit. My non-legal opinion on this is that the "contract" is implicit and most likely enforceable as such.

    An example only (not an endorsement) from the first link in a google search of "we buy homes referral":
    EARN $500 CASH for a referral that leads to a successful real estate acquisition... Just Send us the Name and telephone number of the property owner that needs to sell their home for FAST CASH, and the address of the property that needs to be sold. If possible email us a picture of the property... When you find a property fill out the Online Referral Property Submission for fastest response... Click here to submit an Online Referral Property Form to be eligible for $500 referral fee "

  • ITBInvestor9th January, 2010

    [ Edited by ITBInvestor on Date 01/09/2010 ]

  • Stockpro992nd September, 2010

    The statute of frauds is a federal guideline under the uniform commercial code and then states may have their own.

    Always get your agreements in writing! You will get paid more often and have less hassle in doing so.

  • savana1st June, 2011

    On 2010-01-08 02:38, mustbuytosell wrote:
    The only thing that comes to mind is an independent contractor agreement

    Yes, I am completely agree and it will be beneficial for an individual also. I mean it will not let you to pay referrals.

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